Friday, February 5, 2010

Blog Appetite

The following Blog Review is an official entry to Kaye and Pehpot's Blogversary Contest. If you haven't encountered this blog yet, read on to find out why it's worthy of a visit.

Who says blogging is only for stay at home and work at home moms? It could also be for working moms like Mye who authors Blog Appetite, a personal blog where she posts about her daily adventures as a working mom, and bits of information on just about anything. To quote, this blog is her "diversion from the serious and busy life in the city as a working mom".

The blog layout is very nice! I love the apple (or is it pastel?) green with white dots background and all the wonderful colors and elements that coordinate and compliment the header. A photo of the author is visible too so that the readers have an idea how she looks like: friendly and happy despite her being a busy careerwoman, a digiscrapper, an event coordinator, a wife and mom to twins! Yes, she is THAT busy!

I love her scraps and if you are looking for some tips and ideas and where to get free kits, you can find it in this blog. I love the way Mye writes about her day, like her recent adventure at the NBI and gave me the realization that indeed, some things never change!

I truly recommend this blog for those looking for a diversion. I guarantee that it's worth reading!

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