If I were asked the question: "What saying do you live by and live with?", my answer would definitely have to be "Always choose to be HAPPY!" Life is always filled with choices. To make things easier for me to decide, I always consider if my decision will make me and the persons who will be affected feel happy about it in the end. It is not that complicated, or is it?
Anyway, there is one Mommy who is just as happy being a stay-at-home and work-at-home one. I am referring to Paula, proud Mom to one very lucky five-year-old and wife to one very lucky hubby. Her home in the blogniverse is Happy Thoughts, where she shares some of the happy and not-so-happy comings and goings of her life. Her blog entries cover a variety of subjects, from health and home life, to fashion and entertainment, to finances and helpful tips, and of course family life.
Set in a two-column layout, with pink and white for background, I find the site very cheerful-looking, clean and very easy to navigate. The header, with the blog title and a boxful of muffins says it all, that indeed life is what you make it. If you want to be happy, then think HAPPY THOUGHTS!
Make Paula happier today! Visit her blog!
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