Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Online Mommy's Corner

The following Blog Review is an official entry to Kaye and Pehpot's Blogversary Contest. If you haven't encountered this blog yet, read on to find out why it's worthy of a visit.

I am so lucky to be living in this generation. Why? Because I get to know fellow SAHMs and WAHMs from different parts of the world through their personal blogs. What would I ever do without the Internet? I wouldn't have met wonderful people in the blogging world, much less get to know them better through their blog entries.

I feel privileged to have come across Online Mommy's Corner, a personal diary authored by Mommy Mylene. She is the gracious host of the Thanksgiving Contest last December which I regret NOT joining. I had a lot to be thankful for last year and was just too lazy to type away.... Sniff! Lesson learned: Always count your blessings! Mommy Mylene chronicles her journey as a woman, a friend, a wife, a mother and child of God in this blog. Her Word-Filled-Wednesday entries are always inspiring and very creative so that it is a great stop for that much needed food for the soul. Her compassion and care are evident in her posts. I can relate to her worries and pains each time her daughter gets sick... after all, I am also a mom.

The blog just turned a year old last year and it now enjoys a PR1. I love the look of the blog. It is published on Wordpress platform and set in a three-column layout similar to my blog's, with the two sidebars on the right. I love that it is simple and that each blog entry is separated by a spring binder as if you are turning a new page in a notepad. I also like the search box and the feed subscription buttons... I find the stamp-pad style very appealing and unique.

Have a go at Online Mommy's Corner. Follow it on Google Friend Connect. Exchange badges and links with her. Subscribe to the feeds. And get updated on her journey!

1 comment:

Mylene said...

Hey! Thanks for your wonderful blog review of my site.

God bless your sweet and kind-heart!

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