Tuesday, November 10, 2009

When Anak Ni Kulapo Writes...

Most of the blogs that I visit on a daily basis are written in English. Rarely do I see one written in my native language, Filipino and it is indeed a surprise to come across one that is wittingly written. I am talking about Anak Ni Kulapo. This blog never ceases to amaze me. There is always something fresh, new, funny and sometimes sarcastically and honestly frank about this blog that makes me think "natumbok mo!" while laughing out loud. I am the silent reader though because I don't leave comments. :D

Buraot is the person behind this blog and here, he writes his daily observations about living in the Philippines, events and things that are found "onli in da pilipins", his idea of humor, and sometimes you will find yourself transported into his own world as he talks about people you never thought existed. You'll also learn why the song Ang Kawawang Koboy is very unforgettable to him, which by the way was a very funny but embarrassing situation. You will have an insight as to what Buraot is like through this blog but he will forever remain a mystery. But I guess every person is a mystery.

If boredom gets the better of you, then do visit this blog. Published in a forest green layout, you'll surely be refreshed. Just make sure you understand Filipino and Filipino humor and the words in between.

1 comment:

grace said...

hi madam! I am an avid fan of your Meme.. just wanna ask. me charge ba mag pagawa ng badge sa you? Hehehehehe.. read from Chris na ikaw ang gumawa ng Christmas invitation nya. I dont have badge till now..huhuhuhuhu. I do not know how to make.Sory for asking ha..

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