Monday, November 23, 2009

Amazing Grace

Grace of Amazing Grace requested me to make a button for her site. I am glad to make it for her but I am not too confident whether she would like it or not. I am new to this kind of thing and I am doing it just for fun. Maybe later when I am really good, I will turn it into a money-making endeavor? Hehe! But kidding-aside, here it is:

So to Grace, please give me your email address so that I will be able to give you the code that you can post to your sidebar so that you can display your new button to your sidebar.


Clarissa said...

awww!!Ang galing naman!!It's good that you know it all by yourself--wala akong alam sa computer thingy eh!!Well done dear!!^_^

grace said...

Wow!I am so hapy to see my badge...Yepeee.... at last I have one.. Thank you so much dear. I know you labored for it out of love. How can I repay you? Hmmmmm.... I do not know how..

God bless you dear for your thoughtfulness!

p.s. it's flooding here in cagayan de oro city. Yesterday walang electric power, the reason why i just read your message.

riablahgs said...

That's awesome sisteroo! Parang miniature scrapbook page :) Go for it!!!

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