Thursday, October 21, 2010

It Runs in The Family

I am not a stranger to the terms "arthritis" and "rheumatism". I came to know about these words since I was a little girl. I often hear my mother saying that my grandfather is unable to walk because of arthritis or that an uncle is ill because of swelling joints. In my mother's side of the family, when old age overtakes, everyone is bound to have arthritis. Many of our elders have become bed-ridden because of this illness and they die unable to really enjoy the good things in life. This has been the sad fate of many of my grandparents. I know now that this can be treated. However, due to financial constraints, the grandparents who have gone before me were unfortunately unable to get treatment for arthritis.

Even my mom, at the age of sixty is not exempted from getting the illness. Of late, she has been complaining about joint pains and also cannot endure walking long distance. She has already seen a doctor and she is now taking medication to alleviate the pain. I do hope that her arthritis will be treated so that she can enjoy walking outside or window shopping and sightseeing once again. I don't want her to be confined inside the house. I want her to travel and enjoy the beauty of other places. Who knows, maybe she and my father can visit us here in Germany and we can show them around Europe one of these days. But that would entail a lot of walking and moving around. I hope her arthritis won't hinder her from doing all these things.

1 comment:

zoan said...

my mom is having a hard time right now, she has arthro-rheumatism :( tsaka dami na nga gamot para ma okay sya, 51 palang sya eh

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