After almost 6 years of not being able to spend the Christmas holidays in my home country, we were finally able to this year! The previous events that took place before our flight and the last two weeks since we arrived has been a whirlwind of activities so that explains the absence and inactivity in this blog. We landed safe and sound and was met with warm hugs and an even warmer and humid weather at 31°C. It felt so good to set foot on Philippine soil again, although the landing was quite scary since we weren't able to land on the first attempt.
Our little girl was finally able to meet her cousins and play with them. Although language is still a problem, they were able to understand one another through gestures and play. It really felt good to be home again, to see familiar and old faces, hang out at restos serving our favorite Pinoy fares, go to the beach, or just stay home to talk with family. I still have lots of things that I want to do while here and I am savoring every minute of it!