Hormone replacement therapy is a treatment that is specifically geared towards women who have already gone through menopause. With this type of treatment, the female hormones and estrogen that are no longer produced are replaced through regular medication. Women who experience hot flashes, vaginal dryness and bone loss are often prescribed a hormone replacement therapy course of treatment. While there are a wide range of benefits pertinent to hormone replacement therapy, there are some risks as well.
Systemic hormone therapy comes in the form of a cream, spray, pill, patch or gel. This type of hormone therapy helps the most with night sweats, hot flashes and the discomfort that comes from having vaginal dryness. Systemic therapy utilizes large doses of estrogen. An increase in estrogen can reduce the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis and colon cancer.
Low-dose vaginal estrogen products come in a cream, ring or tablet form. These products offer minimal absorption by the body, and they treat vaginal and urinary-related symptoms associated with menopause. These types of products also help with night sweats, mood swings and hot flashes. If you have not had your uterus removed, your doctor will likely prescribe a course of treatment that combines estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen alone can trigger growth in the uterine lining; this can lead to uterine cancer. Progesterone prevents this from happening.
Hormone replacement therapy for women does have some potential side effects. Many of the possible side effects become a greater issue if you have a family history of certain conditions. If you have a family history of heart disease, certain cancers, blood clots or stroke, you should work with your doctor to determine the best hormone replacement therapy option. Osteoporosis, anxiety and depression and heart disease are potential side effects of hormone replacement therapy. If you have a history of blood clots, liver disease or breast cancer, you should avoid hormone replacement therapy. If you minimize the other medications you take, limit your stress, exercise regularly, eat a healthy and well-balanced diet and visit your doctor regularly, you can greatly minimize many of the side effects of hormone replacement therapy.