Saturday, January 31, 2009

Have You Ever?

Took the liberty of grabbing this tag from my online pal Niko. It looks like fun and it sure is one way to let you all know me a little bit more.

And here are my answers as best as I can:
1. have you ever been on tv?
NEVER. But it doesn't matter since I prefer the backstage better.

2. have you ever sang in public?
Yes, I have. I was once a member of our choir in grade school and joined in some competitions. I have also been to amateur singing contests in our community when I was still a kid. But don't ask me to sing these days. I sound like a frog na naipit. Where did my "golden voice" go?
3. have you ever dyed your hair blond?
NAH! Blond does not suit my morena complexion.

4. have you ever eaten frogs' legs?
NEVER. But I heard it tastes like chicken. Husband has batrachophobia so i guess it's a NO-NO for me too.

5. have you ever received a present that you really hated?
YES. I received it in high school during our class Christmas Party. Why did I hate it? Because I found out that it belonged to another classmate who reportedly lost it. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. It was too bad for the giver to do just that.
6. Have you ever walked into a lamp post?
YES!I am an ever curious person that when something catches my eye, I have the tendency to stare at it, even if I am walking. I can still remember one time when hubby and I were walking on our way home when I wasn't paying attention because I saw a really cool car pass by. I bumped head on into this lamp post. OUCH! It really hurt. And I was pregnant with Sam then. I also bumped my tummy too. My poor baby... she was the one who absorbed all the shock. Thankfully though, both of us weren't hurt.

7. Have you ever cooked a meal by yourself for more than 15 people?
NOT YET. The most number of people that I think I have prepared a meal for was for ten. Maybe one of these days, once I am confident with my cooking, I can invite more friends. I find myself enjoying hosting get-togethers very much.

8. Have you ever fallen or stumbled in front of others?
STUMBLED - lots of times. See #6 for the reason why.

9. Have you ever done volunteer work?
YES. I was a volunteer in my college days. We would go to different communities especially in remote rural areas and extend our assistance to them. I also volunteered for coastal clean-ups and tree planting activities then. It really feels great to lend a hand and to touch other peoples' lives without receiving any compensation BUT the smiles on their faces and the words of gratitude.

10. Have you ever been on an accident?
YES. It was in February 14th, 1989 when I was run over by a car. Thankfully, I wasn't seriously hurt.. no broken bones or amnesia. But I did get a very big scar on my left leg because I had to be skin-grafted. Come to think of it, it will already be 20 years on Valentine's Day since my accident. It was that long already but the scar is still very visible. Guess you can say that I am living my second life.

I have added a 10th question to the list. Let's see who among you has been on one. Hopefully, you won't be on one or it was nothing serious.

So, HAVE YOU EVER DONE any of the 9? Feel free to grab this tag if you haven't done this yet. Then we can exhange notes. :D

Friday, January 30, 2009

My "Pasalubong" List

We only have a few weeks more and we're finally off to the Philippines! Yey! I am just sooo excited because it's been almost two years since I left. I wonder how my parents and parents-in-law look like today. Have they aged or do they look the same. Of course I miss my siblings and all my cousins and my dearest nephew, Miggy, who turned 2 years old last January 19th. And I would finally get my taste of home-made Filipino dishes! Wheee!!

I still have some shopping to do though. Coming home won't be complete without the "pasalubong". I already have a few things on my mind on what to buy. Like the Lego bucket set for my nephew Miggy. My mother told me that he loves to assemble stuff. My brother had been sweet talking me to buy him some climbing gears - climbing shoes and jacket to be exact because they'll be climbing Mt. Apo this March. My cousins asked me to buy them those cute foot socks that my sister brought with her when she came here. Of course, the chocolates and macadamia nuts will not be forgotten since they are my mom's favorites. And I will also have to buy some toys for my and hubby's nieces and nephews too. Perhaps Hello Kitty plush for the girls and Tomas trains for the little boys. And yes, I should buy for my other siblings too.. maybe skin care products for the two of them. I shan't forget the cup noodles too. And what of the fathers? Hmmm... That I have to think through yet. I'm afraid a Seiko watch is too expensive for now. Hehe!

Stay Warm, Stay Safe

In these cold winter days, it is important that we keep ourselves warm to prevent from getting sick. And a good way to keep ourselves warm is by using a trustworthy room heater.

In choosing a heating system or a heating system provider, I always try to consider the following factors:
  1. Safe to use and environment-friendly
  2. High efficiency even if used for a number of years
  3. Free maintenance check-ups and product installation
  4. Has an "eco" setting or a programmable thermostat to save on energy and electricity
  5. Fast and reliable customer assistance
  6. Provides an efficient heating repair service when you need it.
There are lots of available heating systems in the market today. So think about these factors when you purchase one. After all, the safety and comfort of your family should never be compromised.

food Friday: Chicken Adobo

food friday

Here's one of my comfort foods each time I feel homesick and wants to satisfy my craving for that salty-sour-sweet taste: Chicken adobo. This dish is best cooked with the chicken skin on. I know, it is quite unhealthy but it is just yum!

How do I prepare my chicken adobo? I boil my chicken wings first to soften them up, then saute it together with the garlic and onions. I also save the soup stock and add it later to the sauteed mixture, allowing the flavors to seep into the chicken. After that, I add the soy sauce, some vinegar and a pinch of sugar for that slight sweet taste. Allow them to simmer for a few minutes until cooked. Be sure to sprinkle some freshly ground pepper for that added spice.

Want to view more yum food? Click here for more Food Friday participants.

Happy Friday everyone!

Debt Consolidation

Wouldn't it be great to be debt free? With the economy in recession, and jobs being laid-off, people can't help but be under debt. The sad thing for most is that paying them off is just too difficult.

However, you still can get out from your overwhelming debt and yet not have to get another personal loan with this debt consolidation service. They also offer services such as credit card consolidation that will allow you to save thousands in no time. How would you like to reduce your debts to 50% or be debt-free in 12-24 months?

Check them out today and find out how they can help.

Mommy Moments: The First Time I Saw You Smile

mommy moments

"Your smiles are always a source of joy and serenity, my dear little one. That's why I treasure each moment when you arch your tiny lips into that beautiful smile of yours. Keep smiling my child... Because they always make my day. I love you so much!"

Here's a few of my baby Samantha Ysabelle's first smiles:

Sam at barely a month old: A tiny mysterious smile
as if she knows something that we don't. ;-)

At 1 Month and 3 weeks: While looking at her hanging little friends.
I swear there was a smile there. Can you see it?

At 2 months old: Feeling happy and refreshed just after her bath.

At 3 months: A smile for her Daddy on his birthday.

Oh yes, the joys of being a mom! Just one smile from our little ones can take away all the exhaustion and worries, right?

I am glad to share my mommy moment with you all. I can't wait for next week's theme!

Join us every Friday at Mommy Moments.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Alone, Game Consoles & Outbreaks Among Others

This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by Berleen, the color purple and the number 6.

1. Have you ever felt alone, but yet there are people around you?
YUP! I call them my "senti moments".

2. Do you have any video game consoles? Which ones?
We have one. A Sony PlayStation 2 which we also use as a DVD player.

3. Do you freak out at food warnings/outbreaks, such as the recent peanut butter salmonella scare?
Not really. I am always careful with what I buy. And here in Japan, they are very strict when it comes to food safety so I feel safe that the food I am eating won't kill me.

4. What color/pattern is your beds' comforter/bedspread?
Now? Our futon covers have pink and light green floral prints.

5. How many windows do you have in your house?
4 small windows and two double glass windows. It's pretty cold during the winter.

6. Name six things that are in your bathroom.
A shaver, soap dish, a baby tub, a loofah, mirror, small shelf.

7. How big is your garage? Should it be bigger?
No garage... we only have a parking space for the car.

8. Got your taxes done yet?
Done. Did it before the year 2008 ended.

9. Think of a mental disorder..... why did you think of that particular one?
Schizophrenia. I think it would be cool to have imaginary friends and another personality. Hehe!

Join us every Thursday here.

Remember The Songs?

February is just around the corner and with it comes Prom Season. For a lot of young people, it is one of the most awaited High School activity: the Prom Night. I've never been a big fan of Prom Nights. The thought of wearing a dress just isn't in my vocab. I just went because we were required to attend and we have to do ballroom dancing as one of our practical examinations for our P.E. class. Besides, I don't really have a date. The only consolation I have is that most of my friends in my circle don't have dates too! Hehe! And my all-time high school crush had been ignoring me for like ages as if he doesn't know me. I guess you already get the picture...

But just for the fun of it, let us go down memory lane and reminisce the good old, sometimes corny and mushy, songs that tickled our bones, made us blush or put a tear in our eyes. I can still remember them because even if I am not a big Prom Night fan, I am a hopeless romantic and was a "baduy" then. Hahaha!
  1. King and Queen of Hearts by David Pomeranz - We're the king and queen of hearts.. Hold me when the music starts.. all my dreams come true.. when i dance with you. This is usually the song for the last dance. And everyone is scampering to find a partner. The guys were hoping to dance with their crushes. The girls were hoping that their crush would ask them. Lucky are the Prom King and Queen and those who are couples for they are assured of a partner.

  2. On Bended Knee by Boyz II Men - Darling I.. I can't explain... Oh God give me a reason... I'm down on bended knee. Hahaha! After all these years, I can still remember the lyrics! Lol! Now, I don't understand why this was played on prom night. Maybe because Boyz II Men was a popular group at that time and because it was a hit.

  3. Somebody by Depeche Mode - I want somebody to share... share the rest of my life... Now this was an all-time favorite of mine. But I never got the chance to dance to this song. I guess I didn't have a ka-MU? Haha! What is with this song that it requires that you must dance someone who feel the way you do? I bet most of you have this for a theme song with your first BFs/GFs. Right?

  4. I Swear by All For One - I swear, by the moon and the stars in the sky.. For better or worse, till death do us part.. I love you with every beat of my heart... I swear! Is that a smile on your lips? I swear all of your are hoping to dance with your crush when this was played. Korek ako no? The lyrics do seem like a vow. Now tell me, did you end up with the person you were dancing with then?

  5. Sukiyaki by 4PM - It's all because of you.. I'm feeling sad and blue. If only you were here... A song for love lost? Or a lost love? Hehehe. Whatever! I guess if you had been rejected (i.e. never been asked to dance), you are entitled to blame others. Blame it on your crush, or your crush' date or even your dress! :D

  6. Fixing a Broken Heart by Indecent Obsession - You really know when to start.. fixing a broken heart. I never could understand what I'm going through. It must be a plan that lead me to you.. This was the song for those who were disappointed and making a big deal out of the fact that their crush didn't ask them for a dance and was saved by a dear bestfriend. Thanks bestfriend! What will we ever do without you?

  7. One Sweet Day by Mariah Carey (feat. Boyz II Men) - Darling, I never told you.. All I wanted to say. ANd now it's too late to hold you... And I know eventually we'll be together. One sweet day. Oh no! Now, this is one song which really sucked the breath out of me. There he was, dancing with a very good friend. In front of my very nose. Ouch. Parang dinibdib ano? Hahaha! Mind you, naiyak ako ha? I realized then that I wasn't numb and that I have lost. As if there was a battle to be won? Hihihi!

  8. You Were There by Southern Sons - You were everything I've never seen. You woke me up from this long and empty sleep.. I opened my eyes and you were there. Can I take your smile home with me? Or the magic in your hair? Naks! Why do I still remember the lyrics to this song!? Haha! But I guess old habits die hard. This is what I get for singing myself crazy in the shower. Those were the days.

  9. Remember Me This Way by Jordan Hill - I'll make a wish for you and hope it will come true. That life will just be kind to such a gentle mind.. If you lose your way, think back on yesterday. Remember me this way. To anyone who knows this song by heart, raise their hand. Every teen of that time must have seen the movie Casper. Who wouldn't drool over Devon Sawa then? Or Casper, the friendliest ghost there is?

  10. 25 Minutes by Michael Learns to Rock - AFter some time, I've finally made up my mind... Now, I don't see why this song should be played at a prom. Can somebody tell me? I guess this was a reminder for everyone to take courage of they'll be 25 minutes too late? Hehe! I loved this band by the way. But when their songs became sound tracks for countless Pinoy sexy movies, I lost interest. Too bad really.
So there goes my list. Comments? Questions? Violent reactions? I'd be glad to hear them all. Hehe!

Have a hearty Thursday everyone!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Don't Throw Them Away Just Yet!

Is your favorite pair of pants no longer wearable because of raveled threads and fibers caused by too much wear? In the Filipino language, we call it himulmol or frays. I have always been trying to get rid of the frays on my favorite pair of jogging pants. Tapes, scissors, adhesives -- I've tried them all! Then one day, I found the perfect fray-remover: an old shaver!

Before you dispose of your old shavers, you can still maximize its use. So what can an old, disposable shaver do, you might ask? Watch and learn!

BEFORE: A close-up of my jogging pants fabric. It looks so old because of thefrays.

First, lay the pants or the fabric on a flat, clean surface like your kitchen or dining table.

Shave the surface of the fabric as you would shave off unwanted hairs. Start near the waistline and work your way down. Be careful with the blades. They may be used and old shavers but it doesn't mean that the blades are no longer sharp. I cut my fingernails while working because I wasn't careful. Ouch!

Shaving my jogging pants to get rid of those eyesore called frays!

After you have finished with one leg, work on the other. Remove the shavings as they accumulate so that it won't fall off and stick on your other clothes. They can be very annoying because they tend to stick unto anything.

AFTER: See? No more frays! Almost good as new!

After you are done, you'll find that your frayed pants are almost good as new! Enjoy!

How Do I Love My Husband?

Now, here's a wonderful tag from Umma about the men of our lives, the one person we will share the rest of our lives with, our ONE and ONLY HUSBAND.

I met my husband in college in one of the university's social involvement organizations. We were both volunteers there and started out as very good friends. We were too close as friends, our friends would tell us. And the teasings would follow. The friendship gradually blossomed into love. There came a point in our relationship when I began to miss his mere presence in group meetings because he was busy at the Physics laboratory or at the volunteer office. He was such a very sweet, funny and caring person and it became impossible not to fall in love with him. I guess the feeling was mutual too because we became officially a couple a week after he confessed he has feelings for me.

Then we had to part ways during our senior year. He had to go to Japan on an undergraduate scholarship. It was a sad decision that we had to make. I was so used to doing things with him and it would never be the same without him anymore. But I also do not want to prevent him from doing what he loves to do. After all, we have our own lives to live and dreams and ambitions to pursue. So he went and we learned to make the best of what is available for us.

Thankfully though, there was already the Internet, voice chat and video chat so that communication is just a click away. It was hard to be in a long distance relationship. We were physically separated for six years with him visiting me in the Philippines in between school breaks. I agonized over the fact that he wasn't there to witness my triumphs and sorrows... and he agonized over the fact the I wasn't there to share with him the beautiful places he's been to. But we found comfort and solace in the knowledge that one day soon, we will finally be together. I knew then in my heart that he was the one. And I guess he did too. So here we are today, still together after 10 years of friendship and love and 2 years of marriage.

I love him more for being the man that he is...
strong, responsible, faithful and hardworking.
I love him more for being a good provider and for putting us on top of his list.
I love him more for accepting me for who and what I am.
I love him more for seeing to it that I am well and okay.
I love him more for all the wonderful times we've had and for being there
when the going gets tough.
I love him more for being a God-fearing Catholic and for leading
our family towards a prayerful life.
I love him more for being strong for me when I feel overwhelmed
with the tasks at hand.
I love him more for being passionate about life, his work and the family.
I love him more for taking care of our daughter whenever he can.
I love him more for loving me and for taking care of me all through the years.
I love him more for feeling more hurt each time he sees a tear on my eyes.
I love him more for understanding my moods and tempers and compulsions,
and for respecting and letting me be during my moments.
I love him more for sticking by me when it seems things have all gone awry.
I love him more for making me laugh in a cute, special way.
I love him more for the man that he is and for believing that men
who use force against women are "gay".
But most of all I love him more for loving me and for loving our daughter.
There can never be anyone else who could love me the way he does,
and for that, I am most THANKFUL.

I lovingly dedicate this post to my other half: my Husband. I love you Hanhan.

I'd like to know what their pretty ladies love about their husband:
Juliana, Ria, Wendy, Aeirin, Jade and Zriz

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Of Babies and Flying

Have you ever experienced flying with a baby? What were your worries and how did you cope with it?

I for one, am worried about flying my baby. The trip to Germany will be her very first plane ride and I am worried because it is going to be a long flight, 13 hours to be exact. I have been reading endless articles about travelling with a baby and have been asking my friends who flew their babies and asked for some travel advice. But as they say, you never can tell what it would be like unless you are in the situation itself.

So here are just a few of my preparations for the impending journey:

  1. Prepare a first aid kit. Even if airplane cabins have their own first aid kits, there just might not be something for your baby there. It should include the following: prescription medication if your baby requires one; a digital thermometer; baby acetaminophen or ibuprofen; liquid soap; antibiotic ointment; sunscreen and lip protection with SPF 15 or higher, with both UVA and UVB protection; sterile bandage and tweezers; insect repellent - use 5-10% DEET for babies and 25% for adults; calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream; sterile cotton balls and cotton buds; and cold pack. You may also want to bring electrolyte replacement solution that's made just for babies if there is a possibility of your baby contracting diarrhea.

  2. Prepare a change of clothes for the baby and yourself. You just never know if your baby will throw up or mess their food all over their clothing to render them unwearable so that it is a must that you have a change of clothes handy in your carry-on bag.

  3. Air pressure can be painful for your baby's ears. Make sure that you see a doctor before air travel to make sure your baby is fit to travel. If he/she has ear infection, you might want to postpone the flight at a better time. Also, keep you baby comfortable by giving milk or a pacifier to distract them. A feeding before and after the flight is best.

  4. Keep the baby entertained. Have a goody bag containing a few of their favorite toys. A board book, a baby rattle, a musical toy. Their favorite toy is a sure winner when it comes to keeping them distracted.

  5. If possible, book a seat for the baby too. But if you are on a tight budget, like me, you can always put them on your laps. But make sure to get a window seat, away from the back rows, and near the lavatory where you can easily wash up.

  6. Talk to your baby a week before the trip that you are going to ride an airplane. They may not be able to speak and ask questions just yet but they will understand. Explain where you will be going, what to expect with the place and who will be there. This will condition them that they are going someplace new.

  7. Pack enough food, milk and diapers for the duration of the air travel. You can always buy more when you get to your destination. But if you are unsure where to buy and if the brand your baby is used to may not be available in your destination, pack enough for the whole duration of your trip.
These are just a few important things and there are more essential items that your baby will need so that it wise to always be prepared. Make a checklist of the essential items that your baby needs and pack them a few days before you travel so that you won't miss anything.

Traveling with a happy and comfortable baby will surely make the trip relaxing and easy for you too.

How about you, dear Mommy? How did you prepare for your baby's travel? I'd love to hear all about your experience and advice.

Monday, January 26, 2009

A Visit to the Deutsche Botschaft Tokyo

We woke up early today and went to Deutsche Botschaft (German Embassy) in Tokyo to process for our Schengen VISA. I may have mentioned in some of my posts that the family will be moving there sometime this year and we are going there for a week for an Information trip this February.

It was still early when we got there and so we had time to refresh. At eight o' clock, we were ushered into the embassy after passing through security checks, two heavy steel gates, and an xray. Tight eh?

The Embassy was very quiet... and Sam was the only one making some noise. Then our number was called and hubby handed over our documents. The officer who entertained us was a very kind Japanese woman who spoke very good English. She went through our documents and it turned out both my and hubby's faces in our VISA photos are quite small for their standards so we had to have our photos retaken at a photo shop nearby. So we got out again and went to the photo shop. After 10 minutes, our photos were ready and we headed back to the Embassy. We were finished by 10. It was actually fast really, if only our photos met their standards. And there was no stress at all because there were no long lines, people were well-seated and the waiting area was neat as a pin.

So what is a shengen visa? As per definition:
A Schengen Visa is valid for the member states of the Schengen Agreement: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland (since Dec. 2008) and Sweden. A Schengen Visa issued by an embassy or consulate of the above countries allows the holder to move freely in all these countries for a short term tourist, business or private visit (maximum 90 days within a period of 6 months). Please note that holders of Schengen Visas are still subject to immigration control and are not guaranteed entry into any of the Schengen countries, even though they may hold a valid visa for these countries.

To get a Schengen VISA, you will need the following original documents in English or German:
  • Filled-up application form (available at embassy)
  • Parents' declaration of consent for travel (for minors traveling alone), duly certified and a copy of their passports (valid 3 months longer than the departure date from the Schengen area)
  • Re-entry permit to Japan (valid 3 months beyond the departure date from the Schengen area) attached in the current valid passport
  • Visa for the final/onward destination (applies for transit visas only)
  • Alien Registration Card
  • one colored passport photograph (the photograph must be less than 6 months old, height 47 mm, width 36 mm with the head height 32-36 mm, taken with a plain light-coloured background)
  • Travel insurance covering Europe and valid for the duration of the visa. Minimum coverage of 30,000 € for each item in case of accident, illness, including travel home
  • Reservation for travel tickets
  • If you are a student, student certificate
  • If going on a business trip, job letter, including date of employment, exact content of job, attestation of salary and duration of annual vacation if you are working in Japan
  • If you are the owner of a company: original of commercial registration and your last income tax payment receipt
  • If you are a housewife: job letter of your husband
Additional requirements include:
For Tourist/Private/Transit visit:
  • Hotel reservation or invitation from the host with exact address and housing arrangements
  • Proof of funds, i.e. Bank Statement, Bank Book showing the last six months
  • In case you are traveling as a tourist or visiting your family, relatives or friends in Germany, you need a guarantee letter (Verpflichtungserklärung) from them. This gurantee letter can be obtained from and get legalized by the local Foreigners Office (Auslaenderbehoerde)
Business/Conference visit:
  • Invitation letter from your partner company confirming the duration and purpose of the visit
Statement of your employer certifying the purpose of the visit

Airport transit visa:
  • Travel insurance is not required
A processing fee of 60€ per applicant is required. Processing fees for children applicants up to six years old are exempted from paying the 60€ fee.

We were told to wait for about 14 days before our VISA will be released. They will just inform us by post of the result of our application. And until then, I'll be keeping my fingers and toes crossed, praying and hoping that all will go well.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Honest Scrap Award

I received this award from pretty Umma of Happy Moments, Happy Thoughts. My apologies dear if it took a while to post this. No, it's not because I have forgotten all about it but because of the countless things I have to do and the countless things on my mind that it seemed impossible to squeeze in blogging. I know, I know..... excuses. :D But anyway, here's the award that I am very honored to have: The Honest Scrap Award. I didn't know why I deserve this one but I am thankful to Umma for her thoughtfulness and her friendship too! But I have to warn you, my answers are a bit lengthy so please bear with me and read until the lastest last word. ;-)

Honest Scrap Award Rules

When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows he or she is real.

Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Weblog.” Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on!

So, here are some ten honest to goodness things about me:

1. I am an OC-OC. You know, obsessive compulsive. But I am a healthy one. I love things to always be in order... especially the house. When I am stressed and angry or frustrated, I usually channel out my angst on things: putting them in order, rearranging them neatly. I sometimes even alphabetize the titles of my books and our DVDs. It's a good thing though that we only have a few DVDs and books with us here. I can just imagine the time it will take to alphabetize everything if we brought all our books and DVDs with us here LOL! But sometimes, I have my lazy moments too that I just let everything be.

2. I am an artist. Yes, I can paint. There was even a time when I was good at it that my high school commissioned me to do an oil painting for the school. And it was quite big... It's now mounted in all its glory on one of the walls of the Director's Conference Room. Now, I wonder where all that skill went. I should find the time to paint again. Have to have other channels aside from turning the house upside down and inside out. LOL!

3. I don't know how to swim... I am a beach person and would grab any chance and invitation for an outing at the beach. But I can't go any deeper than shoulder-level lest I drown myself.

4. I love to drink coffee -add a very good book, nice mood music and great company and I can forget everything especially the time. It has been a while since I had a nice cup of coffee and a good conversation.

5. I hate to argue... each time disagreements arise with somebody, I usually just listen to the other person cry his/her heart out. Don't get me wrong, I am not an escapist either. I do defend myself from time to time and patch things up, but I'd rather shut up than say hurtful words. Because I believe that once they come out of your mouth, you can never take them back. Damage has been done. And you end up regretting.

6. I want to have twins! But because it does not run my and hubby's genes, it would be impossible. But maybe not! Think fertilization tests. Would I even consider one? Hmm... Now that got me thinking.

7. I don't really know how to cook. I was never good at it! I only even started cooking when I got here in Japan. But then I saw Ratatouille last year and Remy, being the mouse that he is, believed in his heart that anyone can cook! So I thought to myself, if Remy can, I can too! And so I learned to cook AND better too! Di na Hanhan no? Would you believe that a mouse was my inspiration? Seriously.

8. I've always wanted to learn how to put on make-up - Hahaha! Seriously, I don't how to put on my own make-up. I don't even have any cosmetics. The closest thing that I posess that can parhaps pass for a cosmetic is my peppermint lip balm. :D And living here in Japan where almost all beauty products and cosmetics is readily available and having no make-up at all is an understatement. I don't even powder my face. Haha! Can somebody show me? I want to surprise my hubby and look "presentable" on those very special occasions.

9. I love to shop for home decors. My shopping/window shopping expeditions are never complete without a trip to the home decor department. I want to know what's new and what's nice to have for our dream home. I even take note of the prices and keep them in mind. I just might buy them next time. Hehe! But because we are not yet "settled", I keep holding purchasing the lovely items off. I don't want to carry lots of stuff when we move houses.

10. I like to keep things simple. For myself YES. But when it comes to my family, I won't settle for anything less. It doesn't matter if I look shabby as long as my family is comfortable and have the best things in life. Now, I understand what my mother used to tell me. As in our dialect: "Bahala na magkagidlay mi basta okay lang mo. " Sniff!

Now I’m passing the Honest Scrap Award on to 7 wonderful people:

Ria, Ate Mira, Jerla, Elizabeth, Iceah, Kikit, Ate Shals

Thursday, January 22, 2009

On Hibernation Mode

The last few days, I had been silent. Didn't make any drops, write posts or visit my other friends' blogs. You could say that I hibernated. I didn't go anywhere though... we just stayed here at home and I enjoyed the company of baby Sam. I just felt too lazy the past few days and thought that taking time off from blogging would do me some good. And did it?

I don't know... I sure did miss everyone and the moment I checked on my friends' pages, I realized that so much has happened in their lives. I saw the beautiful photos of Yena's baptism and 1st birthday celebration which was evidently a success! I learned that Umma loves to cook and read about her yummy stir fry. And that Enchie has changed her blog layout yet again. Nurse-Mommy Cookie has had an wonderful birthday and welcomed a new member of the family. And so much more! (Forgive me if I failed to mention my other friends! :()

But the hibernation gave me some time for myself too... I got to enjoy longer baths and the luxury of soaking in a warm tub. I got to sleep longer, keep the house tidy and made breakfast for the husband. I realized it has been a while since he had his breakfast with me. And I missed those days. I'm also in a better mood and in a happier disposition. Hehehe!

SO now I am back. Happier and ready to take on the world! Hihi! (As if I got defeated in some battle...) There are so many things running through my mind right now though. Like Sam's birthday celebration and baptism in the Philippines next month, the Information visit to Germany next month too, the pasalubongs to buy, and the bags to pack among other things. But I guess, that's another story. ;)

Of Tattoos, Grocery Lists, Swimming in Your Fave Shirt and Oh So Much More

This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by Kimber, the color yellow and the number 24.

1. Obama tattoos. What do you think of people who got one?
I'm not a big fan of tattoos: Obama, stars and stripes or whatever design it may be.

2. How many blogs do you read a day, and do you always comment?
It depends. Usually 15-20 a day. But I have been lazy lately. It's been five straight days since I last updated this blog and read my friends' blogs.

3. Do you know to swim?
No. I never learned how to swim even if I love going to the beach.

4. Describe your favorite shirt.
A striped green and orange and white tee. Hubby gave it to me years ago.

5. What is one thing that is ALWAYS on your grocery list? Extra points for imagination and creativity.
Pineapple juice, yoghurt, bean sprouts and tofu.

6. Have you ever done any acting?
I signed up for the high school musical in our school years back and was one of the supporting actresses.

7. I just made a delicious smelling dinner with mystery meat. Will you have some?
Sure, why not! I'd love to try new dishes. Just don't tell me what meat's in it or...

8. If you are driving in the rain and you see a person walking along the road, do you intentionally try to splash them?
A definite NO! That is just way too rude! The rain's enough to make them soaking wet.

9. Yearbooks- do you still have any from school?
I still have my high school and college yearbooks. Left them in my parent's house.. which reminds me, I should bring them back with me on our visit next month!

10. What kind of shampoo do you use?
Tsubaki. Keeps my hair soft and manageable. It leaves a nice scent too.

11. And just to counter Ber's first question from last week.... What's the hottest temps you have experienced?
Hottest is the Tokyo summer heat. You'd have to bring water with you if you don't want to dry up. Come here in the summer for a visit. You'll know what I mean!

If you want to join this Thursday meme, click here.

Friday, January 16, 2009

A Natural Deodorizer That Works

Photo Credits: Jessamyn's Flickr

There are many home deodorizing products with various scents available in the market today. You name the scent they have it -- from lavender to mountain fresh to sea breeze to citrus and lemon. But these are made up of chemicals that you wouldn't want to suffocate yourself or your family members with.

To rid your home of that greasy smell, cigarette smoke or that old, musty smell, try using this very effective deodorizer: Bicarbonate of soda or more commonly known as baking soda. Place a few teaspoons of baking soda in a clear bowl and put a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Place it on a high shelf, out of children's reach and you are sure to have an odor-free home, and with a whiff of your favorite scent lingering in the air.

How's that for a home deodorizer?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Temps, Bugs and Other Crap

Another round of Thursday Thunks! This is my third time and it's been fun answering some of these weird and odd questions that you just don't normally ask.

This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by Berleen, the color green and the number 1256.

1. Whats the coldest temps you've experienced?
Hmm, let's see... maybe -4 deg C. Not THAT cold here.
2. Whats for dinner tonight?
Now, why haven't I thought of that yet?
3. Would you consider this job in Australia?
DEFINITELY! That's 6 months in paradise.. and doing the things I love!
4. What was your favorite subject in high school?
Arts and Chemistry
5. How many hours a day is your tv on?
Maybe 10 hours. Baby loves watching her cartoons. Sometimes, I just keep it on even if I'm not really watching just so I feel like I've got more company at home.
6. Have you ever received an award?
7. Whats your mousepad look like?
Gray and rectangle (boring!)
8. Do you think Bud should do the Thursday Thunk meme?
Who is BUD? Lol!
9. How many browser tabs do you have open right now?
Just 3. This blog, my baby's blog and Entrecard. I need to drop. Have been delinquent in returning drops lately.
10. If you are a parent, have you or did you ever put Vicks VapoRub on your children under the age of 2?
Guilty! I've done it only once though and only a teeny wee bit when my baby had a cold. Never will I do it again because her clogged nose only got worse.
11. If you had to pick one insect to infest your house for 1 day and after that day they would just suddenly vanish, which insect infestation would you pick?
I think I can live with black ants for a day.
12. What color is your underwear that you are wearing right at this moment?
Nude color.
13. What was the last thing you watched on tv?
A rerun of Dawson's Creek. Those were the days!
14. What are your plans for the 4th of July this year?
No plans. We don't celebrate 4th of July here.
15. Tell us about one absolutely wonderful thing that happened to you as a teenager and every time you think of it, it brings a smile to your face.
Wonderful? When I learned that my crush also had a crush on me and attempted to court me. (Shhhh! Don't tell hubby! Lol!)
16. What product could you sell someone based on your love for it?
ChocNut and Goldilocks Polvoron! Just yummy! It is my favorite pasalubong.

If you want to join this Thursday meme, click here.

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