Friday, May 27, 2011

Forgetful Me

I am so getting old I keep forgetting lots of important stuff lately!

I missed my class last Wednesday because I got preoccupied doing household chores here at home so that I totally forgot that Wednesday was the deadline for the submission of our Individual Study Plan. So I was in a rush yesterday to go to the university and submit it to the Examination Office. Thankfully, Mr. N still received and answered a few of my questions.

After my business in his office, I hurried off to the bus stop to catch my bus going to my Thursday lectures. Rummaging through my bag, I realized that my wallet wasn't there, along with my student ID, my semester ticket for the transportation, my money, everything. So without the ticket, I cannot board the bus. I also realized that I have been going to the university since Tuesday without a wallet. I am lucky though that there was no ticket inspections in the trains that I boarded since then.

Then when I got home with my little girl from the Kindergarten yesterday, there was a notice from DHL informing me that I got a parcel from them. I wonder where it is from. Then I remember that I purchased pf flyers shoes last Monday. I wish it were the sneakers that I ordered. I guess it has already arrived. I just hope that I will not forget to bring the notice with me when I claim it at their branch office this weekend or not forget to claim it altogether.

As the days pass, I feel that my memory is failing. And even my husband is becoming forgetful too. Could it be that being forgetful is a contagious thing? Well I hope not!


daisy said...

hello! :) let me try if i can post comments here coz before i can't.

baka buntis ka kaya humihina ang memory? hehe just kidding.

anyway, thanks for dropping by caity's blog.

see you around!

OSeƱorita said...

I also have the same problem. What I usually do is list down things that I have to do and things that needs to be reminded of. I put those lists in a place where I can easily see them. Like on the fridge door or my dresser mirror. Or on a table near my computer...but sometimes I get to forget them too when I'm so preoccupied with lots of stuff in my head. LOL!!!

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