Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Stonehenge

I finally got to see the Stonehenge with my Hubby. Unfortunately for me, I had to see it from outside the cyclone wire fence. It was Christmas Day when we visited and do the site was closed. Instead of grumbling though, we made use of the time taking photos from afar and from the hole afforded by the wire fence. Good thing we now have a better camera. Hehe!

Just the two of us? Nah.. the little one was with us. It's just that she was sleeping inside the car.

The shadows of us.

These stone structures just fascinate me. Won't you wonder too how they were erected and what are they for? Some say it serves as an altar. Other myths say it is extraterrestrial. But for whatever reason they came to be, they are just amazing! I hope they will remain intact in the passing of time.

The closest shot I could get of Stonehenge.

Stonehenge from the cyclone wire fence.

A friend of mine told me that they have a winter solstice every December 23rd. Too bad we missed it. But I guess there will always be a second time.


Chubskulit Rose said...

Ganda naman nyan! Pakiss sa beautiful Sam.

Seiko said...

That's too bad :( at least you get to capture it even from afar. I hope next time maka join na kayo pati sa winter Solstice nila. Sounds exciting and fun. :D Ganda ng mga kuha nyo especially the shadow. Sweet! hehe

God Bless!

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