Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Good Woman

I know I should be in bed right now but my cough and sore throat won't let me. So while waiting for my medicine to work it's magic, I decided to sit in front of the PC and comment back on my commentators. I was visiting Mommy Lolit's blog, My Happiness and Sentiments, and found this poem that is really worth sharing. Thank you for sharing it to us, Mommy Lolit.

This is for all the women in the world who deserve to be treated with love and respect and for all the men who are husbands who need to realize that indeed, they have so much to be thankful for.

A Good Woman
©Carol Naumann

One you should treasure, but not as a possession,
Who needs to be loved, not treated with aggression.
Her value is more than all the world's treasures,
Not just the sum of scale's unit measures.
She should always be built up, not torn down,
By all the words you speak, when she is around.
She needs to be hugged and not pushed away,
Especially when you both having a really bad day.
Words spoken to her in haste and anger,
Can place her fragile heart in danger.
She should be admired for her boundless love,
And looked upon as a true gift from Above.
Not used as a target for all your frustration,
But held close and kissed with loving admiration.
You should always appreciate her commitment to you,
And not take for granted what she's given up for you!
Kiss her and love her all that you possibly can,
And don't be embarrassed to be seen holding her hand.
Treasure each day as if it were the last,
And at the end of your life you won't be regretting your past.


lolit said...

thank you so much for sharing this one to your readers and friends, hope this poem serves as an eye opener to men who treated women as a mere object and just their possession. A million thanks to you. take care.

Bambie dear ★ said...

i also love this poem... so true =)

get well soon dear and happy weekends =)

Genejosh said...

oyyy marce you have cough and sore throat? meron din ako last week but I'm fine now..hope you'll be Ok na just drink lots of water and pahinga...

salamat pala sa dalaw marce sa Away from Home:)

Chubskulit Rose said...

Oo nga nabasa ko din to kay Ate Lolit, ganda noh.. I love your new header..

Genejosh said...

Marce nagawa ko na pala yong tag mo here:

I have soemthing for you HERE. Hope you like it:)

Seiko said...

A very nice poem and so true. Thank you for sharing this to us. I hope you get well soon also. Take a lot of rest and drink lots of water. hugs! God Bless!

Sherry Go Sharing said...

yeah I love this poem

Sherry Go Sharing said...

how long the medicine works for you?

Sherry Go Sharing said...

if you not well take rest yeah

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