Foremost, a big THANK YOU to Mommy Seiko of Seiko's Diary for always remembering me. The I Love You tag and the Most Inspirational Blog Award are from her. It is indeed nice to know that somebody out there loves and thinks of me! Naks!

Be the kind of women that when your feet hit the floor each morning,
The devil says "Oh Crap, She's Up."
Sister, life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right.
Love the ones who don't just because you can.
Believe in everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Kiss slowly. Forgive quickly.
God never said life would be easy.
He just promise it would be worth it.
Today is sister's day.
To the cool women that have touched my life.
this is for you.....LOVE U!!!
The devil says "Oh Crap, She's Up."
Sister, life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right.
Love the ones who don't just because you can.
Believe in everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Kiss slowly. Forgive quickly.
God never said life would be easy.
He just promise it would be worth it.
Today is sister's day.
To the cool women that have touched my life.
this is for you.....LOVE U!!!
Tag all your sisters, mothers, daughters, aunts, girlfriends,
Including me if I am like one. If you get tag back seven times, you are loved.
Happy sister's day! LOVE YA SISTA!!!
Girlfriend and sisters WEEK.
~~End Copy here~~

To accept this award, here are the rules:
Post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
And so to pass these awards and tag on, here are the 15 Inspiring and Lovely Women who deserve these more than I do:
Niko, Fehdz, Pehpot, Ria, Ate Beth, Ate Rose, Shydub, Sweet Shelo, Bambie, Bambie Dear, Cookie, Ate Chris, Enchie, Jacris, Clarissa
Yay! parang Ondoy typhoon awards mo kikamz dami...hehehe basta mga nice people kadawat ug daghan awards. Thanks for including me in the list sis, I'll probably post it in my other blog since I already have all this in my main blog. thanks sa dalaw sis.
thanks sistah! blush naman ako...hihihihi....
Done posting na kamz, I posted it in my Blogfusion
thanks again.
Thanks for the award sis.. muah!
I already got the same award and posted it last SUnday.. I'll just include your name on the people who bestowed upon me such a wonderful award..
Have a great weekend sis!
Congratz for the awars Kikamz :)
Have a great weekend!
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