Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blogging Your Time Away

I left my job in the Philippines a few months before I left for Japan to join my husband. It was a decision that I made without second thoughts even though I am unsure of what awaits me there aside from the fact that we will be together at last. I am not used to doing anything, just sitting around at home and waiting for the Hubby to return home from work. I was bored so I taught conversation English at a well-known English conversation school. The pay was good but I had to limit my classes for the reason that I got pregnant.

So to while away my time, I surfed the Internet and chatted with relatives back home. Then a good friend introduced me to blogging. My first blog was published on a subdomain and since it was a free service, I didn't care much about PRs, traffic and all that. I was just content at being able to share my thoughts on motherhood and of course, brag about my little Samantha.

Later on, I realized that if I wanted to continue blogging, I should find my own niche and also get my own domain so that I would have my own identity, my own place in the blogosphere. And so the search for a good website hosting service began. And my new domain with the same blog title was born. There were many web hosting types available to choose from and I am happy with my choice. Thanks to this great site,, I was guided in my decision. Should you need more information before deciding on whether you should publish your blog for free or not, go check them out. The reviews are made by the customers who have availed of the services themselves.

As for me, I am happy now that I am blogging my time away. And earning on the side too!


iceah said...

a ganun pla c: dito ka dati sumunod ka lang sa hubby mo c: atleast together na kayo mahirap magkalayo e c:

Chris said...

i started out the same way... its fun to be able to blog and earn a bit too.. i just wish my PR would return soon so i can have more opps again!

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