Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I Am An Xtraordinary Mom!

I am an xtraordinarymom!

Enchie of Sweet Nothings once raised this question: Are you an Xtraordinarymom?

Well, my answer to that will be a proud and big YES! I believe I am one.

Celebrating her Christianity and 1st Birthday.

I can say that I have changed so much since I became a mother. I am not totally prepared for it but I am proud to say that I was and I am able to raise Samantha all by myself, with Hanhan by my side of course. And I am thankful for the experience and the new lifestyle that I am living right now... that of being a fulltime mom and wife. I didn't realize that I could endure all the challenges that came with raising a child. Being with Sam has taught me that love is indeed unconditional. And that I am could give up a lot of things for her own sake. And I thank my Mama for raising me the way she did, for without her guidance, I wouldn't have made it this far.

I always give Samantha hugs and kisses each time she achieves something, it doesn't matter if it's great or small. I try to encourage her each time she does something right and firm when I say NO. I play with her so that she knows she has a companion. I embrace her on nights when she cries and whispers in her ear, "Mommy is here Sam. I will always be here." and she would go back to sleep, feeling safe and secure. And before we go to bed, we say her evening prayers. I believe that prayers work wonders and involving her in this daily habit will help her to live the faith that we live by and live with.

And the reward for all that? Her beautiful smiles, her delighted and happy laughs, and the special way that she looks at me and kisses me on very unexpected moments. It really melts my heart!

How about you? What makes you extraordinary? Celebrate motherhood, grab the badge and share your story with us. For more details, click here.


chris said...

you are really an xtra-ordinary mommy!

happy mother’s day!!!

liz barnett said...

Motherhood is not a joke, and being a mother is the hardest job ever. The way our children are, reflects to us as parents. Di ba ng when we see bad kids, we always say” I wonder how her/his parents are at home” or ” that’s his/her upbringing” The way our kids turn into, depends on us. I can tell, you are really an amazing and an extra ordinary mom..

Willa said...

wow! you are really such an xraordinary mom! Happy Mother’s Day!!

bambie said...

Hello Mommy Kikamz.. you know what, I can relate so much =) you know naman living here in japan (or in abroad), we do it all by ourselves, walang yaya.. How’s your new home there in Germany? sayang no, di pa tayo nakapag-EB.. oh well more blessings to come. Advance Happy mom’s day. **big hugs to your cutie pretty Sam** mwah

love, bambs

Enchie said...

Happy Mother’s Day Kikamz!!! and eduring the challegeges and taking each as an opportunity for Sam to be fully nurtured is extraordinary. Thank you for being an xtraordinarymom ;)

Enchie said...

Happy Mother’s Day!

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