Tagged by Niko eons ago! Sorry dear for answering this just now! I know I still owe you lots more! Thanks for this dear!
001. Name → Ana Karenina.
002. Nickname(s)→ Ana K., Kikamz, Akay.
004. Zodiac sign → Taurus.
005. Male or female → Female.
006. Elementary → San Roque Central Elementary School, Davao City, Phil.
008. High School → Philippine Science High School - SMC, Mintal, Davao City, Phil.
009. College School → Ateneo de Davao University, Davao City, Phil.
010. Hair color → Dark Brown.
011. Long or short → Long.
012. Loud or Quiet → Quiet
013. Jumpers or Jeans → Jeans.
014. Phone or Camera → Camera.
015. Health freak → No.
016. Drink or Smoke? → Neither
017. Do you have a crush on someone? → When I was younger, with Bernard Palanca! Hihi!
018. Eat or Drink → Eat.
019. Piercings → Ears.
020. Tattoos → Never.
023. First piercing → can't remember
024. First best friend → Ghuia Sanchez - Grade4.
025. First award → First Honors - Kinder.
026. First crush → Mark Archie de Guzman. LOL! I can't believe I can still remember names!
027. First pet → A piglet! Oink! Oink!
028. First big vacation → Summer of 1995, Leyte.
030. First big birthday → When I turned 19. It was a blue moon and my Hanhan was there with me!
049. Eating → Breakfast! Sotanghon and rice.
050. Drinking → Ananas Saft (Pineapple juice).
052. I'm about to → finish this tag.
053. Listening to → the sound of my keyboard and the humming of the CPU fan.
054. Plans for today → just play with Sam, update blogs, make EC drops.
055. Waiting for → Samantha to wake up.
058. Want kids? → Of course! Would like to have 3 more!
059. Want to get married? → Already married.
060. Careers in mind → Be a freelance consultant and fulltime work-at-home MOM!
068. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
070. Shorter or taller - Taller.
072. Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic.
073. Nice stomach or nice arms → Nice arms.
074. Sensitive or loud→ Sensitive.
075. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
076. Trouble maker or hesitant → Neither.
080. Lost glasses/contacts → Yes.
081. Ran away from home → No.
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense → Never.
083. Killed somebody → Never.
084. Broke someone's heart → Yes.
085. Been arrested → Never.
087. Cried when someone died → Yes, when grandparents died.
089. Yourself → Yes.
090. Miracles → Yes.
091. Love at first sight → No.
092. Heaven → Yes.
093. Santa Claus → Yes.
094. Tooth Fairy → No.
095. Kiss on the first date → No.
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now → Yes - My Hanhan.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → Yes.
099. Do you believe in God → Yes.
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 20 people→ entitled "Truth Be Told" and am breaking the rule! :D

What a small world. I came to know Ghuia in scouting. She was my closest buddy when we attended the regional encampment in Agusan. Pero wala na kaming communication ngayon. She’s in my friendster network though. :)
I have another tag for you kikamz grab it pag hindi kana busy with baby sam hehehe http://shydub-simplehappylife.blogspot.com/2009/05/friendship-chain.html
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