Tuesday, May 12, 2009

To Live Worry-Free

I have always wanted to live in a worry-free and secure neighborhood and home where one can be safe and reassured that nobody will ever break into your house. Thieves and burglars scare me to the bone! You never know what goes into their minds once they break in. News of house burglaries and rapes and murder really terrify me! What if it would happen to me and my family? Who would want to be a victim anyway?

I remember when I was still younger. We used to leave our wet clothing out to dry. It was hot that day so surely, our jeans would dry. I went outside at noon to check whether they are dry yet. Nope, they're still a bit damp so I left them in the sun to dry some more. When I went out again in the afternoon, they were gone! I had to blink twice to disbelief! That night, when everyone was already asleep, I thought I heard footsteps and scrapings outside our house. Afraid that these could be the same guys who took away our jeans, I immediately turned the lights on and made some noise to rouse my parents and siblings. That morning, we saw our window screen torn. It confirmed my fears that someone was trying to break in. It was a good thing that only the jeans were stolen and nothing of value was taken away. We didn't catch the culprit though as we didn't have a surveilance camera then. If only we had the wireless security system back then, we would have.

I wouldn't want that experience to happen again especially now that I have my own family. I wouldn't want to be terrified all my life so that acquiring a home security system like the GE Home Security System would really be perfect. Since we are just a small family, the Copper Package will do. The package includes a talking control panel, a motion detector, warning signs, an internal siren and door chime, 3 sensors for windows or doors, a battery back-up and a button arming for only $29.95 per month. If you want to order or find out more about their other packages, you may call toll free 877-470-2751. Call and order now and receive two keychain remotes for free!


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