Monday, February 21, 2011

TCP#79: The Pursuit of Happyness

Hello Couchers! Welcome to the February 22nd edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes. It is the last Tuesday of the love month, and therefore the last theme for February. I hope you are prepared for our theme this week, which is Agape / Unconditional Love: To Love Selflessly. Your pick is of course up to you. Unconditional Love, according to one of my favorite authors Paulo Coelho is "the love that consumes". If you have ever seen a movie that represents self-sacrificing love, then come share it with us.

My pick for this week is The Pursuit of Happyness, a 2006 film starring Will Smith and is inspired by a true story."Though Chris Gardner is undergoing the worst part in his career and tumbling finances, he takes good care in bringing up his son Christopher by teaching him the right ways. This depicts the fight of a father who also mothers his son through the tough times."

I watched this movie more than once and I am always amazed with the fact that parents would do all their best just to provide a better life for their children. All of us go through challenges in life and if we have children, the more we are driven to do a balancing act between being successful in our careers and at the same time, being there for our children. More often than not, it is the career that wins and with it, alienation from our loved ones. But this movie showed otherwise: with the child being the inspiration, and making sure that you show good example to your kids.

Have you seen this one before? If not, here's the trailer:

The Pursuit of Happyness Trailer

What's your TCP movie this week? Come share it with us here on Tuesday Couch Potatoes. Enter your TCP link in the linky below!

Thank you all for joining us this week on Tuesday Couch Potatoes. For the month of March, we will start another round. March will be Red Carpet Month and we will feature movies that are award-winning, trendy and worthy of two thumbs ups and a standing ovation. Our theme for March 1st will be Award Winning Movies of 2009. Hope to see you all again next month. Happy TCP everyone!


Chris said...

i have seen this movie too.. very touching movie!

kamz said...

sinabi mo marce. touching talaga tong movie na to!

genny said...

haven't seen it yet, though of it. will watch this soon..happy TCP!

JonaBQ said...

sounds like a good one kikamz! got to look for a good copy soon :D

Anonymous said...

Great movie!. I've seen this like 10x already. Love the lines as well, especially when he said " mom left because of mom".

Rossel said...

i love this movie too.

Earth said...

i cried when i watched this film..

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