It is love month and well, one cannot help but be all mushy and cheesy even if you are not because it is just contagious. When people are in love, they do all sorts of things, even if they are corny and mushy right? And you don't even care because you are doing it out of love.
Valentine's is really no big deal for us but there are some things that just never fail to surprise me, where my hubby is concerned. Small things actually, like when hubby played The Gift on Valentine's evening at home. Or when he would tell me how much I mean to him in his own dramatic but funny way. Back on our bf-gf days, I was the one who was more mushy as I love to send love cards and letters. And since we were on a long-distance relationship for many years, he would surprise me with flowers on days when I least expect them or send me book sets that I have been dying to read. It is not often that he does these kinds of stuff and I really appreciate all the effort.
And the day he first confessed his feelings? That is something to really listen to! It is ordinarily simple and yet so cheesy! But that's another story. Lol!

that's simply sweet!
nice ng feeling ng ganun no?
miss ko na rin yun..
happy GT!
it's extra special coming from someone who does not do it a lot. paulie is like your hubby too, when it comes to the sweetness department. but hey, when they do mushy things, it just means they really mean them! :)
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