Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lucky and Out of Luck

I had to meet someone near the S-Bahn train station at the university last Tuesday. We were communicating through email the previous night and my last email was for us to meet outside at the train station at 11:30 AM since my classes end at 11:15 AM on that day. I had no way to check my email after the class so I had no idea if the time was okay with her or not, thanks to my mobile phone that has no email browsing functionality or anything close to that. I silently wished that I had an htc desire android that time. It would have been very convenient for me to check my emails and confirm if she would be coming and even do a little Facebooking and catch up with my friends while treading the path from Pfaffenwaldring 23 to the S-Bahn train station, which takes about five to ten minutes depending on how quick your steps are and on the length of your stride.

Luckily for me, she arrived first but she was waiting at the wrong part of the station. Good thing she was using a roller, it was faster to go from one place to another. When we finally saw each other, we exchanged hellos and she gave me our passports, which contained our new residence permits, back. After a few words, thank yous and a handshake, we parted ways. "That was quick!", I thought. So I had to rush to the platform to catch my train but I am already too late. I didn't catch my train and had to wait another ten minutes. That means, I won't make it to the admissions office before 12:00 noon. Oh well, I had to wait another day to process my reregistration and have my name changed in the student records. I guess I ran out of luck. =)

1 comment:

gemini said...

Maybe being late has its bonus, you can do short meditation and observe your surroundings."Stopping to smell the roses" is a rare moment. Happy Thankful Thursday!

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