Monday, February 28, 2011

Suppository Please

Thursday evening, my little girl could not sleep well again because of dry cough. She also has a little fever. We were scheduled to travel on Friday to Switzerland and so Hubby and I decided to have her checked by her pedia before we leave, just so we could get some new medication and to get off our worries. We were worrying that it might be asthma because this illness runs in my family. We were actually expecting the worse. Thankfully the pedia said that it was just common colds and she gave my little girl a new prescription.

Worries gone, we drove for Switzerland. What we didn't know was that the cough syrup tasted so bad. My little girl's taste buds just couldn't take it and she would throw up the instant it reaches her tongue. Then our friend suggested that we buy the suppository alternative to it. We went to the pharmacy and was able to buy the corresponding suppository. We also bought colds cream to help her breath easier when she goes to sleep. The cream turned out to be very effective as it helped her sleep without waking up every minute or so due to coughing. The suppository was also helpful as it helped to loosen the phlegm.

Although my little girl would say "Ouchy!" when I insert the suppository, I think it is far less agony for her. She wouldn't need to throw up and exhaust the little energy she has left. Poor little one! She looks so fragile now because she lost a lot of weight during the week. To think today is her birthday. Next time she gets sick again, I would ask her pedia to prescribe suppositories.

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