Monday, February 14, 2011

All That's Missing Is...

I invited a few of my girl friends from the Graduate Program into our home a couple of Fridays ago. We have been planning on that small get together since January but it kept getting delayed because of conflicts with our tutorial sessions. It finally pushed through last February 4th. Too bad two of the girls could not make it due to other priorities but I think me and my three friends enjoyed the afternoon and the Filipino lunch that I served.

I prepared bistek Tagalog, which is sliced beef in onions, green mung beans with pork and spinach, and fried chicken. While waiting for the dishes to be cooked, we watched 27 Dresses. We then another movie, So Lange Du Da Bist (Just Like Heaven) while we were having lunch. My little girl's photobook also arrived the previous day so my friends also got busy browsing through the pages. It was a new experience for me, to serve some Filipino food to an international set of people: a Thai, a Malaysian and a Romanian but I am happy that they enjoyed it. The activity was like an intercultural exchange for us. It would have been more fun and enjoyable if we got some karaoke machines at home. Then we could have sang our hearts out. And they will know how much we Filipinos love to sing no matter how bad our voices sound. Although I think Thais and Malaysians are no strangers to that kind of thing.  It was a very fun lovely afternoon and I hope we could do it again one of these days.

1 comment:

Enchie said...

That sounds fun! I'm happy that you have such wonderful friends. And looks like they love our dishes.

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