Thursday, February 10, 2011

Live Until I'm 100

I've been complaining about body pains lately, especially on my back, maybe because I am literally carrying a heavy burden on a daily basis lately. I have a stroller to push if my little girl doesn't feel like walking to the kindergarten, and a backpack filled with lecture notes and what-nots that is as heavy as my daughter. My schedule became a bit lighter since lecture periods are almost over so that I finally got the time to visit a doctor and get a check up. My last medical check up was 2009, so it has been a while.

Fortunately, my Hausärztin (family doctor) is a Filipina and speaks my dialect so that it wasn't so difficult communicating with her. She asked me what I am feeling and what my medical problems are and told her my back aches a lot, my eyes are giving me headaches and nausea again, and my legs ache and swell every now and then especially on very cold days.

For my back ache, she recommended a treatment called Schröpfen (fire cupping), a traditional medicine that involves placing cups containing reduced air pressure (suction) on the skin. She felt my back and told me to have five sessions to release the tension on my muscles. My back is now an unpleasant sight, what with three sessions of fire cupping and I still have two more to go. I feel my shoulder and upper back muscles loosening up though.

For my eyes, my doctor recommended that I see an ophthalmologist. She said that I might need to wear eyeglasses again because I have been using my eyes for reading more often again. Which reminds me to check out some glasses frames that will suit my face shape should I need to wear one again.

And then for my legs, she recommended a special type of stocking that will help prevent the swelling. I still haven't gone to the Sanitätshaus though. I need to find time for that.

She also recommended a blood test to check for other possible abnormalities in my sugar, cholesterol and uric acid levels. Thankfully, everything is normal and my doctor said that I could live up to a hundred! I guess I am as healthy as a horse then. Great!

1 comment:

clavel said...

I think that's the sign that we are not getting any younger!lol

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