Tuesday, February 8, 2011

TCP#77: Now and Then

Hello Couchers! Welcome to the February 8th edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes where we post about a movie each week. This Tuesday's theme is Phileo / Friendship Love: Camaraderie and Friendship. We have seen tons of movies about friendship and there are some that made a mark in us. My all-time faves include The Bucket List and The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. Any one would have been my choice but I don't want to be redundant since I already featured these titles at one time here on TCP.

My pick will have to be Now and Then then. It is a 1995 movie directed by Lesli Linka Glatter and starring Christina Ricci, Rosie O'Donnell, Thora Birch, Melanie Griffith, Gaby Hoffmann, Demi Moore, Ashleigh Aston Moore and Rita Wilson. It's all for one and one for all in this heartwarming comedy about the childhood mischief of four best friends who reunite after twenty years. Roberta, Teeny, Samantha, and Chrissy have been busy growing up, but they always remembered the promise they made to be there for each other. Now they're together again to relive the greatest summer of their lives.

The four girls have very different personalities and backgrounds and yet, they were able to click well. There was a weird one who believes in the paranormal, a tomboy who has issues with her femininity, a sheltered and naive one, and a glamorous one. It was this one summer which brought them together and later, after many years, it was a baby who reunited them all.

The movie has some great lines to it. A few that I can remember from the narrations of Sam: "We all used to try so hard to fit in. We wanted to look exactly alike, do all the same things, practically be the same people. And when we weren't looking, that changed. The tree house was supposed to bring us more independence. But what the summer actually brought, was independence from each other." and "You can run from the disappointments you're trying to forget, but it's only when you embrace your past that you truly move forward. Maybe Thomas Wolfe never got to go home again, but I found my way there, and I'm glad I did."

Care to take a peak at the trailer? Here it is:

What's your pick? Come and share with us in the linky below:

By the way, I am using another linky. I have yet to enter the html codes of the previous linkys in their respective TCP entries so I hope you would be patient with me. There was also a bug in the linkytools making it impossible for me to export this time around so please be patient... Will put them all back up in no time.

Thank you for joining us this week on Tuesday Couch Potatoes! I hope to see you all Couchers again next week for the theme: Eros / Romantic Love: When A Man Loves A Woman.


Shahz said...

Hello, here's my entry for Tuesday Couch Potatoes, sorry for the error in uploading the pic our movie. and we dont' know how to undo it.(Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants)

Chie Wilks said...

I heard a lot of good reviews of this movie.. I looked for this at video houses here in our place but I didn't able to find. I really wanted to watch this movie. Sana meron sa youtube. Thanks for sharing K

genny said...

have not seen this movie yet, will look for this movie soon. my entry is up! happy TCP!

Earth said...

hmmm.. yes, i think i've heard of this. should check it out..

JonaBQ said...

Oh I watched this movie when I was in college with my classmates. It's a good movie about individuality and friendships.

my TCP this week

Marana said...

I have not seen this one yet, but my cousin told me that this is a really good film. might watch it soon. here is my entry:
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