Monday, February 14, 2011

Corporate Slave No More

It has been a while since I worked in a corporate setting and I must admit that I sometimes miss the challenge and the rush that a corporate environment presents. I remember my first job as a technical assistant for a salt industry. The company was medium-sized corporation and operates in major cities in the Philippines. The job was basically one of the various forms of sales jobs and although my main responsibility was to take care of the technical aspects that the clients may have, it all still boiled down to selling. I didn't last long in the job though because marketing or selling just isn't my forte.

Then came my second job as an assistant campus minister and although it was totally unrelated to my profession, I totally enjoyed it because I got to explore that creative and spiritual side of my being. The job was only temporary though because an opportunity to work in a beverage industry as a chemical engineer came.

Then from 2004 (?) until 2007, I worked at the Quality Assurance department as QA Packaging Technician. I really enjoyed that job because our batch was the pioneer and we saw the plant's growth and development. I had to leave work in 2007 though to follow my husband in Japan.

Today, I am a happy part-time work-at-home mommy and wife, and graduate student. I sometimes miss working on a regular basis and receiving a regular monthly salary but I love where I am at the moment. I know that the opportunity to work will just arrive and so I am basking at the present.

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