Monday, February 28, 2011

The More I Need A Laptop

Going out of town sometimes makes me crazy because I am uncertain whether I would be able to get my hands on a computer and check up on my emails and online tasks. My mind was partly thinking about my online tasks, and my fingers were itching to type a few blog posts, some alli reviews included.

It has always been the case. Each time we would go out of town, for the weekend or longer, I would silently wish I had a laptop with an internet connection so that I can "work" even on the road. In most cases, we would just drive to our destination and during the drive, lots of interesting blog post ideas come. It would have been a very productive drive if I were able to write them all down, right?

My worry would boil down to frustration if I still wouldn't master the courage to ask if I can borrow a laptop from someone. A laptop is after all something very personal. The longer we stay at a certain place, the more I would resolve to buy my very own laptop. But when we arrive home, and I can finally check on my emails and opps, the resolve goes away. Then I would say to myself again, what do I need a laptop for? It's funny how I change my mind so quickly.

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