Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jump for Pehpot

I have always loved watching photos of people doing jump shots, from brides and grooms and their entourage, to little girls, teenagers, doctors, men in uniform, friends, couple. And I thought to myself, why not have my jump shot taken too? So try, I did, with hubby taking my photo. After many attempts, I think this was the best:

At the Lichtentaler Allee in Baden-Baden. I never thought I would post this photo. But I guess, everything happens for a reason. This photo is meant for Jump for pehpot after all!

It was a fun photo shoot. Hubby and I found ourselves laughing out loud. I felt awkward doing the jump at first, but realized it was so much fun, I didn't mind the countless times I had to do it. People must think me crazy then, because they were looking at me. LOL! But who cares, they don't know us anyway as we were only visiting...

So, Why don't you jump for pehpot too?

It is so much fun!


Enchie said...

hanap ako jumpshot eto lang ata wala pa ako :D like ko jump mo, ang taas!

kamz said...

naka ilang attempts din ako ench before ko nagawa yan. pano kasi, am BIGAT ko kaya ang hirap tumalon! LOL!

pehpot said...

ow shucks, di ko makita.. hanep talaga ang linux.. I will come back later using windows xp.. uy put the contest badge on the side bar hihi

Me too.. ang saya looking on a jumshot pic no.. captured na captured ung saya at sigla hihi.. kaya nga out of the blue at wala sa plano bigla ako nga pa contest hihi

Thanks for joining :)

Make or Break

Chris said...

cool shot! :D

Seiko said...

Talang lumundag ka ha!Parang ang sarap ding lumundag :)

pehpot said...

finally! nakita ko na din.. hindi ka naman mukhang mabigat ahh LOL

meron akong jumshot taken last month at 5 months buntis na ako nun hehe.. gusto ko sana ipost kaso neng ang aking kilili over exposed! nananakot sa itim!

the silhouette in my badge are from my files, the one in the right side is me.. hehe un ung kuha na may nanakot na kili kili.. next time na mag jump shot ako, I'll see to it na naka long sleeves ako LOL

Make or Break

fedhz said...

mukhang nakakatuwa nga. ako rin gusto ko ng pic. sige, di na ko mahihiya. ang meron lang jump shot samin eh ung kuya ko. as in super 20 years ago na ata un. wahaha. gagawa rin ako for history. LOL

Daddy Yashiro said...

Good luck sa mga entries natin!

By the way I will be having a contest too. Check mo if you want to be a sponsor.

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