Summer is officially here and one great way to keep the kids occupied, happy, and have fun is through Summer Camps. In summer camps, kids learn to interact with other kids, discover new things that they can never learn in the four corners of the classroom, and helps boost their self-confidence through different recreational activities.
I have always enjoyed camping when I was in my grade school days. The campfires fascinated me. Playing games with other children I have met for the first time was a new and fresh experience. It was a venue for me to learn independence and to value it. And it gained me new friends, developed my creativity and learned to read maps and signs. It also taught me how to take care of the environment and it helped me realize that one can live simply and still be happy.
These lessons I still bring with me to this day. And one day, when my little Samantha is big enough to participate in activities such as this, I would definitely support her and encourage her to join. For now, all I can do is wait and soon I will be able to tell her stories when she is a little bigger to understand things.

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