Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Family Traditions Anyone?

I just love family traditions... They give me a sense of belongingness and comfort. They make me feel secure and at peace knowing that I am loved.

While I was growing up, I have come to love and anticipate going to church during Sundays with the family. I was raised as a Catholic and I am proud to say that my parents raised me well. Now that I have a family of my own, I make sure that this tradition of going to church every Sunday lives on... It is not just my obligation as a Catholic. It is more for the grace of God's peace that we receive every time we participate in the Holy Eucharist and share in the body and blood of Christ.

Dining together as a family is something very close to my heart. It is the only part of the day when the family is complete which is why, I try to make it special in any way I can. I even try to surprise my husband sometimes with a new recipe or preparing his favorite dish. The dining table is where good conversations take place. Oftentimes, it is during dinner where we talk about what transpired during our day - we highlight the good parts, of course; discussing the bad parts are saved for later since they might give us indigestion.

Do you believe in the saying: "The family that prays together, stays together?" I do. I do believe that prayers work wonders and more so if these prayers are said together as a family. Every morning, my husband and I pray the Rosary before we begin our day. This is how we jumpstart our day - through prayers - and thankfully, the day goes smoothly and well. What could go wrong with God?

I have always enjoyed decorating our house for Christmas. I especially like setting up the Christmas tree. Hanging those small ornaments just gets me excited and fills my heart with the Holiday cheer. I would like to make a revision to this tradition beginning this Christmas though. Instead of hanging those ornaments by myself, I would like that other members of my family participate too. And I would also encourage that they make handmade ornaments as a gift to each family member so that each ornament has a story to tell. That would make it more exciting and meaningful, right?

How about you? Do you have any family traditions? You might want to share them with me..


liza said...

i love family traditions! we have a big family so i have a lot of uncles, aunts and cousins and during birthdays everyone would be there, kahit dinner lang sa house. :)

kamz said...

hi ate liza! thanks for the comment. yes, i do believe that big families have this tradition of getting together on any occassion esp birthdays. if one niece or nephew or aunt or uncle or sister or brother celebrates a birthday, you are sure that the rest of the family and relatives will be there to celebrate with you even if you only have a simple dinner cooked up. nakakamiss nga eh.. kasi all of my relatives are in the philippines and we are here in japan. birthday celebrations are never the same here…

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