Thursday, December 18, 2008

A New Home Sweet Home

The New Year will be newER for us for we will once again embark on a new journey as one family in yet a new home in Germany. The move is still months away though, most probably in April but the finality of it all is slowly sinking in. Whereas before, it was just a vague possibility, it is now slowly making it's presence known through my husband's news from work, policies and finances to be re-reviewed here at home, purchase of German language books and studying them, and yes searching the internet for information about Germany, long-term accommodation and even canvassing prices of electrical appliances online because Germany is using 220V while we are using 110V appliances here in Japan.

I dread the fact that I will once again feel the fear of having to face people who speak an entirely different language! My Japanese is not any better now even if I've been here for more than a year and here I am, trying to learn yet another language. Whew! But I also feel excited and happy at the same time to be given the chance to visit Europe and actually live in Germany for a number of years with the family.

The Lord has been very gracious to us. More blessings came when Sam came into our lives. I just hope that Germany will help us grow in love and faith. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

juliana said...

I’m sure you will adjust fast enough to the new surroundings. Do you have any idea how long will you live there?

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