Friday, December 12, 2008

The Fun Google Tag

I have been dying to receive this Google Tag from blogs I frequent. It does look fun to post images from Google. But I resisted the urge of grabbing this on my own knowing that someone is bound to tag me. And I guess the waiting paid off! Mommy Umma of Spices of Life and Mommy Niko of Niko's Blog were so thoughtful for tagging me. So now, I am joining the band wagon.

"The rules are simple. Use Google Images to search for the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people."

1.) The age of my next birthday

2. Place I would like to Travel

3.) My favorite Place

4.) A favorite thing

5.) My Favorite Food

6.) My Favorite Color

7.) The City I Reside Now

8.) The City I was Born

9.) My College Major

10.) Name of Your First Lover

11.) A Bad Habit

12.) A Hobby

12.) My Current Wish Lists (Max of 3 )


Enchie said...

Thanks for the tag. I’ll do it asap today. big hugs!

Umma said...

Hello Mommy Kikamz.. thanks for posting ha? Now I know more about you hehehe…
Go go go for your wishes hhahaah

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