Thursday, December 4, 2008

Autumn in Kyoto (Kinkakuji Shrine)

The family went to Kyoto last November 27th. Since baby Sam was sick with viral gastroenteritis, we had to cut our trip short. We only went out in the afternoon of the 28th to see the Kinkakuji Temple (Golden Pavilion), considered a World Heritage Site in Kyoto. Yoiks! It was raining when we got there and we had to wait for the rain to stop or slow down before we entered the temple.

At the kind-of-empty parking lot. After all, it was a big one.

At the entrance to the temple.

It was said that the Kinkakuji was built on the West of Kyoto while the Ginkakuji (SIlver Pavilion) was built on the East of Kyoto. It had a history very rich in itself and the main temple consisted of three types of architecture: the first floor being in the palace style (Shinden-zukuri), the second floor in the style of the samurai house (Buke-zukuri) and the third floor in the Zen Temple style.

Kinkakuji Temple in all its glory... so serene as it stands in the middle of the Kyoko-chi (Mirror pond).

Another view of the Temple. This time, at the back.

Photo ops with the temple and the Kyoko-chi (mirror pond).

The Mirror pond... even if it was cloudy, the waters still reflected the colors of autumn.

1 comment:

Cookie said...

I so love the view. I really love Japanese Garden. So neat, so serene, so beautiful.

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