Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Netherlands Was Beautiful

I know this post is kind of late... but lots of things have kept me away from the blogging. I barely made it to my memes this week but I was able to post some. As they always say, better late than never. My two loves are now better, thank God! Thank you to all those sent well-wishes and gave their concern.

Hubby and Sam in our hotel room, all dressed up for an afternoon in Amsterdam.

As you may all know, we spent the Easter holidays in The Netherlands. It was a beautiful experience for the family, what with the old architecture, the windmills, the tulips, the fresh air and a whole new place to explore. Although the weather was not so good when we got there on a Saturday afternoon because it rained and it hailed, our accommodations made up for it. We chose to stay in Hotel Casino Sassenheim and the room was big, big enough to fit four people without cramming and there were two beds, one queen sized, the other single.

The family in Amsterdam. Amsterdam was an inspiring place...
everywhere you look is beautiful so that you'd want to capture it on canvas.
(That's the painter in me writing down her thoughts...)

Sunday morning, it rained too but weather forecasts promised better conditions so we opted to visit Amsterdam, which is about 30 minutes from our hotel. We didn't bring the car with us though because we were told firsthand that driving around Amsterdam is difficult and impractical. The tram, bicycles, cars and pedestrian all use the same street. The roads are narrow and the parking rates are way too expensive, at €5.00 (Php 300) per hour.

Monday, the weather was better and we visited the windmills in Zaanse Schans and the beautiful spring garden of Keukenhof. It was in Keukenhof where I was very much delighted, with all the tulips and other bulb flowers that I got to photograph. Sadly, I lost the SD card with all my flower photos. So much for all my effort. =(
Oh well, we can always return. Will post photos later... Firefox is acting up again!

1 comment:

kimmy said...

i love the photo in Amsterdam. wish i could see it someday, lol!

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