Friday, April 2, 2010

Holy Week... Holidays

This blogger is on blogging break beginning Friday, April 2, 2010 until April 4, 2010 in observance of the Holy Week. Will be back to regular posting on Ostermontag (Easter Monday) April 5, 2010. Thank you so much for your visit and for leaving your valuable comments. Please know that they are read and very much appreciated. Will get back to you as soon as I can...

We are also off to The Netherlands (Holland) over the weekend in celebration of Easter. Will try to bring home as much tulips as I can, enough to last me a year! Of course, will be sharing it with you all! :D

With that, I wish everyone a blessed and meaningful Holy Week and a beautiful beginning on Easter morn.


Mom To The Power Of Three said...

The Easter picture for your post is so cute! Hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend and enjoy the tulips.

kimmy said...

Happy Easter!

Chris said...

how was your vacation?! :D got any postcards for me hehehe

Azumi's Mom ★ said...

wow sis... enjoy your vacation =) Happy Easter =)

nuts said...

Happy Easter Dearie!!! hope you enjoyed the celebration..happy Easter!

LargeFormatPrintsExpert said...

so i believe youre back now? :D

Dee said...

Happy Easter! :)

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