Friday, August 12, 2011

One Down, More To Go

I had my first day of exams today... I don't know if I should be happy about it or not considering the effort I put into studying this single subject. I thought I did okay but you can never really tell until the results are out. I guess I will just have to humor myself and try to stop thinking about what I could have answered.

I have studied all about the possible things that would come out in the exam but when I was sitting there and answering the questions, I was always bound to forget some important details which are key to answering the problems. It's funny really, how one single word can ruin everything for you.

My professor said that the results will come out in ten working days. Hopefully, I will have earned a good score so that I wouldn't have to retake the same exam in September. If I pass, that will definitely one weight off my shoulders. I will just keep my fingers crossed...

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