Saturday, August 20, 2011

Easter Memories...

Easter is a much celebrated event here in my part of the planet. Not just in churches... I even got into the Easter spirit and decorated the house with spring and Easter decoration this year and I haven't found the time to put them away yet...

The Easter season is one of the most poopular events among children here, along with St. Martin's Day, Fasching or Carnival, and Christmas. I remeber my girl telling me excitedly what she did at the Kindergarten for their Easter celebration. That they went egg hunting and each child was allowed to choose among the many kids Easter baskets and fill it with the easter eggs that they find. That after collecting and finding all the eggs, they ate the eggs and that she ate all of her share. And she giggled. A few days after that, she wouldn't stop asking me to boil eggs so she could shell them herself.

Easter for me is like starting anew, starting fresh and I guess my little girl will come to understand it and appreciate it more as she grows bigger. Beyond the decorations that beautify are the symbols of new life and new beginning, which is what Easter really represents. And isn't it very good timing that Easter morning comes in Spring time,  when everything comes back to life again? An amazing fact....


Glenda is the name. =) said...

Hello, it's been a long time! I'm so happy to be back here. Hope all is well. God Bless you!


OSeƱorita said...

Those are cute easter decorations!!!
Easter brings new beginnings and hope, just like Christmas and New Year!!!

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