Fly away with me! Up in the sky at an altitude of 11582meters.
We left Narita Airport at 11:13AM Japan Time and arrived Germany at 5:30PM Germany Time. During our flight, it seemed that the sun was following us. We were flying at 11582 meters and although the outside temperature was below freezing, -56 degrees C, it was hot inside the plane.
Samantha and me during the flight. She just woke up here.
I wonder why she looked a little "mataray" here.
Of course, I was especially anxious for the air travel yesterday, because hubby had a fever and Samantha was coming with us. But she endured the 12-hour long flight to Zurich, and and then another 30-minute flight to Stuttgart, Germany. I am so proud of my little girl because she was such an angel during the flight! She slept through most of the flight and woke up in between to change nappies, play, eat, get fussy for a moment, drink her milk, and entertain the passengers and cabin crew with her charms.
My sick hubby and Samantha. He was shivering
the entire flight. Poor Hanhan!
We were also fetched at the airport by a shuttle service and taken to our hotel. It was a 45-minute drive from the airport to our hotel but it was worth it. We had a quick check-in at the hotel, brought in our baggage to our room and headed off to the hotel restaurant for dinner. We forgot that they don't serve rice here and at hubby found it a chore to eat the vegetable salad, fried potatoes and breaded pork. I even had to finish off his plate! Whew! Paano na lang ang diet natin? (Whatever will happen to my diet?)
Good old me. Happy to finally step on solid ground
after being on air for 12 hours! Whew!
I am just so thankful to God and to all my friends who wished us a safe trip! Sam is resting now and Hanhan, who is now feeling better, is at their office for a meeting and courtesy call. I am looking forward for our next four days here, hopeful that we weill find our new home sweet home for our move in April. I will try to give updates from time to time. And I must not forget to take snapshots too!

12 hrs! ouch my butt :D it’s good samantha was fine until you landed :) thanks for the link up. i;ll definitely do the same.
enjoy your short stay :)
kaya pala absent si Mommy. Enjoy your stay, more kwento and pictures!
that’s so exciting ate.. ur going to live in Europe. For good na ba yun? di pa tayo makakapag EB nina baby Sam =( updates lagi ha and more pics of Germany… jya ne
OMG! I’ve been trying to think what to do with YL once we will travel overseas too for 13 hours.
Good to know that Sam was a good girl during your trip.. Im impressed she didnt fuzz that much huh?
It must be freezing over there, Mommy Kikamz. When is your trip to Pinas ba?
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