Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Why I Love Backpacks

While many women would die to own a designer leather bag, I would opt for the more sturdy, bigger and classic backpacks. All my life, I have always used a backpack. I guess I only used a leather handbag when I was working at an English conversation school back in Japan.

Why do I love backpacks like dakine backpacks? Because they are perfect for someone like me who is a student and a mom and wife who likes to go places. You know how it is when you move around a lot and you need to have as many things handy as possible: notebooks, lunch boxes, pens, keys, baby bottles, wet tissues, bottled water and medicines to name a few. All these things just seem to perfectly fit in one backpack. And because it is a backpack, you have both hands free to do other things or carry other stuff. Most designs these days are also ergonomic so that you don't get backaches from carrying a backpack all day. A backpack is very functional and if you want something that looks hip and chic and interesting, you can always choose one that has colored or printed fabric. You'd be surprised at the variety of colors and sizes available in the market today and how the designs have evolved since the word "backpack" was coined in the US in the 1910s.


The-Working-Woman said...

I like backpacks too because I find them comfortable. I could just sling them on my shoulders and got both hands free!

Laurie Rivers said...

Definitely backpacks are great. We all just need to make sure they fit us properly, especially kids with all their school books. Something lots of us may not know is that backpacks are essential for kids in homeless shelters. They keep absolutely everything in them! So each Christmas we give several to a nearby shelter. This year we got them at --great selection and prices. Happy holidays to all from Laurie

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