Saturday, February 19, 2011

Filipinos Working Abroad

Living the life of an expat has exposed me to some hard realities in life. But I know mine doesn't compare with the hardships other fellow Filipinos had to go through and endure just to give their families back home a better life. Because job opportunities in our home country are scarce, many Filipinos tend to look for greener pastures outside the country.

Of the many overseas contract jobs offered, construction, health care, HRM, and factory workers top the list. Filipinos looking for construction employment usually go to the Middle East, Guam, even Africa. Hotel and restaurant jobs are aplenty in Macau and the Middle East. Manufacturing jobs are available in Taiwan, China, Middle East, and Asia. Health, beauty and personal care jobs are available in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, UK and the USA.

Looking for better opportunities outside the country is also difficult because the competition is tough. If you want to get a good position, you need all the qualification that you could think of. But for the common Juan, even a job as a laborer will do just so he could work abroad. Sometimes life can really be unfair so let us not forget the people that has helped the Philippino economy all these years... the Filipinos working abroad.

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