Monday, February 14, 2011

Taking Care of My Back

I have been seeing my doctor for some natural treatments. I have been complaining of back aches and since I had my first session of fire cupping, my pains are lessened. It just goes to show that the treatments are effective. My last session will be today, at 5:30 in the afternoon, and I hope that with this last session, my back will be good as new. 

I guess I got the back aches from carrying and lifting heavy things, my little girl included. So I have been training her to walk all the way from our house to the Kindergarten, which is a good 800-meter distance away from where we live. I have been trying to maintain a good posture too, keeping myself from hunching each time I sit in front of the computer, just like right now. I think what we needed the most is a new mattress, one that will help us sleep well without complaining of a backache when we get up in the morning. I keep passing by this mattress outlet store on my way to the doctor's and they have a special sale going on. Perhaps I should drop by that store when I get the chance.

It is beginning to warm up too so I think I can go back to the fitness studio to get my back muscles moving and shed some weight and excess fat, which has been clinging on to my tummy for ages.

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