Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Balikbayan Box

We are planning to send back home a balikbayan box just because we still haven't sent one since we arrived here a little over a year ago. My mother and father are both celebrating their 60th birthdays this year so we might as well send them something special and well, made here. We haven't ordered our box yet but judging from the boxes that we have seen from our friend's home, it will be a HUGE one! And will take lots of stuff to fill it up. 

We are already thinking of what stuff to include in the box. We are trying to organize and list all the stuff that we will be sending. We are thinking of buying some wholesale clothes for the cousins, siblings, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews. The sisters, we have already bought something for them. We have yet to buy something for the brother. Of course, our little girl's baby clothes and other baby products will also be included for the new family member. But what to get the parents? Hmmm.. It's a tough decision but my father already told me what he wanted for his birthday. My mom only said that anything will be very appreciated. Now there's the tough part. Anything can mean a digital camera or a leather bag. We are also thinking of sending them some portable blood pressure device to monitor my father's BP and blood sugar or cholesterol monitoring device for my Mom. Of course, there'll be chocolates, special condiments and sauces and other ingredients for a late celebration. But why late celebration? Because we know that our package for them won't arrive soon. Perhaps they will get hold of it in October. But we hope it will be sooner.

1 comment:

Jazevox said...

good luck on sending all the goodies for your family back home, im sure they will be thrilled to get it, its like opening a present on christmas morning! you never know what you will get, but for sure its something good :-)

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