Saturday, September 19, 2009

Venice By Night

This post is long overdue! I know I should have shared this with you guys when the memory was still fresh and there was still excitement brewing inside me. Unfortunately, time and my pc were not on my side. So here I am posting this anyway. Hope you enjoy the photos!

I have posted snippets of our vacation in Italy last July here and here but these were all meme entries. I haven't gone into the details yet of how our vacation went and I am sure it is going to be a series of blog entries. So please bear with me. :D

Our first stop was Venice, Italy. It was almost dark when we arrived there and looking for a parking space delayed us even more. We had to leave our car for a few days at a parking building in Piazalle Roma, which serves as the main entrance to the City of Venice. Parking Fees came for a hefty price of €24 - €40 per day. It was that expensive! A TIP: If I were you, I would look for a cheaper parking in the outskirts of the city. You can just then take the train and get off at Sta. Lucia Railway Station where you will again board a Vaporetto (water bus) to your hotel.

The Venetian sunset as seen from the top floor of the parking building.

Smelling the salty breeze, seeing all those beautiful old buildings standing gloriously and proudly, and watching the water canals teeming with activity as if it were the most normal thing in the world awed and amazed me. Well, if you are in Venice, that would indeed be normal! :D Who would have thought that I would be able to set foot in my dream destination at this age? Well, I never would!

The Grand Canal as seen from Piazalle Roma. Notice the smaller canal farther?

And it was just beautiful! Despite the exhaustion of the long road trip, seeing Venice for the first time with the sun just about to set and night life slowly creeping in was all worth it! The warm air was beginning to cool down, and everybody seemed to have awakened because the restaurants, bars, cafes and shops were teeming with people! But alas, we were all too tired to join in the fun! Setting foot in Venice safely was enough for us. It had been a long day and we retreated in the cool sanctuary of our hotel room for a much needed rest.


Beth said...

Ang ganda naman diyan! nku, hanggang tingin na lang ako. I think dream na lang ang Venice for me :)
Pero ang mahal ng parking! sobra!
anyway, good to know you were able to realize your dream at such a young age! God bless and kisses to Sam! :)

Beth said...

Ang ganda naman diyan! nku, hanggang tingin na lang ako. I think dream na lang ang Venice for me :)
Pero ang mahal ng parking! sobra!
anyway, good to know you were able to realize your dream at such a young age! God bless and kisses to Sam! :)

riablahgs said...

nice pics sis...did you go to the factory of the famous Murano glasses of italy?

S-H-Y said...

WOW very romantic view you got, nweiz done adding you, hope you do the same..

Azumi's Mom ★ said...

wow i think every mom here in blogosphere is so envy with you lol.. you're indeed travelling all parts of europe. Kelan kaya ako makakapunta dyan? Sam is well travelled talaga

Enchie said...

Wow ang ganda talaga sa Europe!

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