Friday, April 24, 2009

Mommy Moments: It's Daddy's Turn!

mommy moments

Like most mommies, I really love to see my hubby spending time with Sam. Because he is at work during most part of the day, he sees to it that he comes home early to us and spends time with us as much as he can. Weekends are always special because it is our time together as a family.

Each photo has a story to tell. SO be warned. This could get lengthy! :D

A Father's love immortalized.

Remember I blogged about Sam getting sick while we were in Kyoto? We had to cut our trip short by then so that Sam could get some good rest and proper medication. Since it was a road trip, we had to make various stopovers so that I can change Sam, stretch our legs and have some much needed coffee. The photo above was taken at the coffee shop. Sam was already so exhausted and weak and she was holding on to her Daddy for comfort. Daddy was reassuring her that she will get better and that we are there for her. I just love this photo of them together.

The family that prays together stays together.

Praying is an essential part of our family life. We pray the rosary together in the mornings and it is usually Daddy who leads it. Even if Sam can't understand yet what the prayer was all about, we pray with her. Even when is still asleep, we pray in our bed so that when she wakes up, she will hear the prayers. I know in time, she will adapt this tradition and understand what the prayers are all about. These morning prayers are perfect to jump start your day.

Their favorite past time: Riding high on Daddy's shoulders.

This is their special moment as father and daughter: Sam riding high on Daddy's shoulders. I guess there is nothing like the HIGH of being above anything else in the hands of your loved ones. And look just how happy she is!

Posing for Mommy.

This is a typical scenario when Daddy gets home from work. After greeting and kissing Mommy, he would take Sam in his arms and give her a big hug. I can really tell that he misses the family a lot and I am most happy to see him back home safely to us.

At home in Daddy's lap. This was taken at
the Filipino cultural show last year.

While we were still in Japan, we attend some Filipino functions every now and then. The Filipino Catholic community is very alive and active in Tokyo so that there a a number of events organized each year. This was during a cultural show entitled "Crossing Borders" and as usual, Sam can be seen comfortably sitting on Daddy's lap.

I am just so lucky to have a husband who is 100% FAMILY MAN. He adores our baby and loves us so dearly. And I always pray that God will always keep us together.

Thanks Daddy for all EVERYTHING that YOU are. We LOVE you so much!

I know you also have a Daddy Moment to share! Come and share it with us here.


beth said...

i love this post! Daddy really loves Sam! and looking at the pics, I can see how they enjoy and adore each other! :) 100% Family Man: a very good description for a Dad like Sam’s Dad. :)

BTW, I really like the first picture. Very sweet. For sure, Sam will keep that pic when she’s older. :)

Twinkie said...

The family that prays together stays together. Amen!

Marami rin kuha si Mia na nasa balikat ng daddy niya with all smiles din. Hihi!

shydub said...

Daddy is so sweet with his little girl. The pics are so lovely. Daddy’s girl!

bambie said...

In this post, i learned something interesting in your family, a God fearing family. A good example to other christians. Kami, we don’t pray rosary, we just pray lang =) Goodluck and more blessings to come.

Tetcha said...

These are really precious moments worth capturing. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos.

mommy jes said...

aw your baby is so cute and daddy seems to love her very much ha =) here’s mine po -

niko said...

sadness girl di ko maview mga pictures mo here huhuhuhuh :(

chris said...

i love your pics and your post!

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