Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Easter!!

I know it has been a while since I took a break from blogging. Aside from my blog being down for almost a couple of weeks, we have been busy moving into our new home here in Germany. I apologize to all of you who visited and never got a reply or a drop back from me. I am really sorry if I hadn't been in touch. The past few weeks, I have placed blogging on the backseat and attended to more pressing matters: arranging and moving stuff, doing some paperwork, settling into our new abode and getting acquainted with this foreign place.

But now, Easter has come and I guess I can say that I am back - renewed and refreshed after a whilrwind of experiences. I hope everyone had a meaningful Easter and here's praying and hoping for renewed and longer friendships with you all.

I promise to post some photos of our new neighborhood and also, answer those overdue tags that you so thoughtfully sent my way.

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