Monday, July 7, 2008

Moms Know Best

There has always been the cliche that "Moms know best." For us, mothers, we would definitely agree. But for others, well, you might have second thoughts.

When we were still babies and very vulnerable, they are the ones who took special care of us. They feed, clothe and bathe us. They spend many sleepless nights just so they could soothe our crying, satisfy our hunger, and change our wet diapers. They even become instant singers just so they could sing us a lullaby or two. They even become storytellers - they are the first persons in the world who introduced us to Cinderella and Snow White, Jesus and His apostles, Jack and the Beanstalk, Noah and his Ark and other popular persons from the Bible and from the Kingdom of Far, Far Away. Yes, they love us unconditionally.

When we were younglings and about to go to school, they are the ones who send us off to school and comforted us when we cry because we are afraid to get inside the classroom. They are the ones who encouraged us to try new things and are also the ones who would tell us when not do something. While we spend most of the day in school, and with the company of our friends, we go home to our mothers and their prepared snacks. We always get a treat whenever we excel in school activities and they are always the first ones to learn of our achivements and are also the first ones to brag about it to their friends. Yes, they are always proud for us!

When we were growing up and are able to make decisions for ourselves, we begin to spend less time with them. Rather, we spend our time hanging out with friends. Gradually, we talk less about what`s going on and share less about our thoughts. But they are still there. Constantly behind us and watching out for us, just in case we stumble and our friends are suddenly nowhere to be found. Yes, they are unceasing in looking out for our wellfare.

When we reach adulthood and become mature individuals, they are the ones who we can always talk to about life`s complications (although most of us prefer to talk to our peers). Because they are more experienced than us, they have life`s wisdom that we do not have. Sometimes, we disagree on things and even engage in arguments because we come from different generations and we have clashing ideas, but know that they are always flexible. They know when to give in.

And then we get married and raise our own children. And the cycle repeats. We go through what our mothers went through while raising us. We have no idea how things are done, but somehow, they get done. We begin to learn how to raise our own children with each new day. And surprisingly, we begin to realize that perhaps, mothers know best.

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