Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Just To Be On The Safe Side

I used to work in a manufacturing plant where I sometimes have to go on a night shift or go on an over time so that sometimes, I go home very late or in the wee hours of the morning if I am lucky. And you never know with the times. My boyfriend would always tell me to be careful since he can't be there to fetch me from work. He suggested that I keep a pepper spray handy at all times because it has saved lots of women from malicious and ill-meaning human beings. But I never got around to getting myself one. I have a more powerful protection you see and all it takes is a prayer.

But hearing news about violence against women saddens and infuriates me. Hearing about women being stalked or worse, being bullied or sexually harassed convinced me that in these dangerous times, women must learn some martial arts skills for self-defense, and yes, even stun guns and emergency kits. This is particularly helpful for women living alone. Having these safety products ready and handy will definitely help you sleep more soundly at night.

Do you ever fear for your safety? Do you sometimes feel that someone is watching your every move, that it sends a shiver up your spine? If you ever notice something unusual with your surroundings, then always be on alert mode. Change your daily routine if needed be. Stay away from dark corners and narrow alleys especially at night. And dress in such a way that you do not draw the attention of bad people. And just to be on the safe side, always bring something that you can used to defend you.

It's not because I don't trust people. I do trust people. It's the devil in them I do not trust.

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