Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy 101

A great way to start the month is receiving wonderful awards from wonderful friends. Marce Kaye of WAHMAHOLIC left me a message in my shoutbox telling me that she has something for me. I was so happy to see that it was this AWARD. Thanks dear... you are so thoughtful. And I must say, being a member of the Marce Club has its perks. Like this... and lots of link love. Hehe!

Anyway, here is the award:

Happiness award

What are the ten things that make me HAPPY?
  • Being able to witness my little Samantha grow every single day
  • Being married to the man who has always made me happy and has never ceased to amaze me
  • The realization that I AM LOVED by my family
  • Watching the sunset with my Hanhan
  • Road trips with the family
  • Lots of online opps
  • Meeting new friends online and offline
  • Hearing the snore of my two loves, knowing that they are sleeping soundly
  • A mug of hot chocolate or coffee
  • Chatting with my family back in the Philippines
As for me, I have always believed that HAPPINESS is a CHOICE. That's why no matter the circumstance, I always choose to be HAPPY.

Now, I would like to pass this award on to these blogs that always leave me feeling happy:
Jhownie's Haven
Kikit Avenue
On Ne Sait Jamais
Sweet Nothings
All About Elizabeth
Seiko's Diary
Yena's World
Written By Mys


Seiko said...

Thank you so much Marce for including me into your list & for the beliefs that I made you feel happy :D
I like the first two tens that made you feel happy.
Gonna post it now Marce.

Chris said...

hello :) nice to know more about you!

Enchie said...

Hi Kamz! thanks so much for the tag! I already posted it hugs!

jhownie said...

Thanks An! Touch ko. :)

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