Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Somebody Thinks Me Beautiful!

Oh yes, somebody does! And I love her (not him!) for thinking it. Hihi! Kidding aside, I am touched that Bambie of My Thoughts, My Heart, My Turf remembered me when she sent this award out. And oh, she is hosting her very own contest soon so watch for it! Sponsorship pledges are still all welcome so visit her today to find out how. ☺

Now for the AWARD:

Here are the rules that I must follow:

1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award.
Again, thanks Bambie! You are such a sweet person!

2. Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic.
I'm gonna break the rule this time as some of the blogs I've chosen I've discovered way back!
Oh, there's lots of fantastic bloggers out there! Here's my fifteen:

3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won.

4. State 7 things about yourself
- I am currently on a blog review craze.
- My little one is turning 2 pretty soon and I'm so excited!
- I don't know what's the latest in the music industry.
- General house cleaning is a task I enjoy.
- I don't like to procrastinate but I keep procrastinating.
- I am such a very forgetful person. I forgot my cellphone yesterday and Hubby could not contact me. Oh no!
- I wish that I were slimmer, taller, and with fairer skin. But then again, that would not be me!


nuts said...

well deserved award! congrats!

Chris said...

thanks for the award ha! :D

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