Thursday, February 25, 2010

Heart Random

The following Blog Review is an official entry to Kaye and Pehpot's Blogversary Contest. If you haven't encountered this blog yet, read on to find out why it's worthy of a visit.

I have come across the name Sherry and her multitude number of blogs on various occasions, mostly in blog contests. So it got me really all curious and thought to myself, "how is she able to join all these contests?" She must be some sort of a superwoman. Check out her blogs and one is sure to find a treasure for a blog contest or giveaway there.

But of course, a blogger has to have a place where she can write down all the random thoughts that comes into her head... thus Heart Random. Here, Sherry writes about anything that she fancies and loves doing: from jewelry and fashion trends, to health and beauty, about Malaysia, and more personal stuff. This is a personal blog that chronicles the author's interests and loves.

The blog is written in WordPress platform and I love the simplicity of the layout. It's a two column layout with a footer where more elements can be found. I love the white background and the blue title background color that separates one post from another. I also like the font type used and also the dark blue pane for the most recent post because it highlights it in a way. To some it might look boring and dull but I guess the challenge to the author should be to add color to the posts by including a snapshot or two.

Do check Heart Random out as there is something interesting in here waiting to be discovered.


Genefaith said...

she must be a superwoman with over 20 blogs yata marce!

Sherry Go Sharing said...

haha.. super woman.. ? nope!

Sherry Go Sharing said...

yeah the layout actually I won it.. but I ask friend help about install.. I am very bad in wp

Sherry Go Sharing said...

so terrible with codes.. and php

Sherry Go Sharing said...

haha.. add colour to post I know.. I lazy add to photobucket

Sherry Go Sharing said...

thank you so much this review :D

Sherry Go Sharing said...

I just blog during my free time want to maintain them.

Sherry Go Sharing said...

haha.. yeah Malaysia will be on post office info

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