Friday, February 26, 2010

Where The Moon Shines

The following Blog Review is an official entry to Kaye and Pehpot's Blogversary Contest. If you haven't encountered this blog yet, read on to find out why it's worthy of a visit.

Do you do Adgitize? Because I do... and I find myself drawn to clicking on the ads who are sponsors of this contest. Hehe! But wait, contest or not, I always find myself drawn to the ad of Verabear. I find it very appealing and it always beckons me to click. The name alone has a nice ring to it. It sounds like I am about to visit someone so dear. And meet her I did. Through the blog of course.

Surprisingly, the blog title is called Where The Moon Shines and Verabear is the author's pen name. True enough, it is a monicker that she derived from an endearment term that the author's grandfather used to call her. Cute eh? I love what the author shares in this personal blog of hers. I find very interesting and informative stuff each time I visit. Are you familiar with the 5S System? This one you better read... It is not only for big companies. It should also be a way of life.

This blog supports various causes for the children, the poor and the environment too. I enjoyed her I love UNICEF entry and I have been planning to have an I (heart) UNICEF photo shoot with my little one little real soon. There's also Free Rice, Help Children and the 350 Challenge. Browse around this site and you will see that she blogs about a number of causes and even promotes its products like her 2010 Planner Giveaway way back in December 2009.

There's lots of online money earning resources to be found on this site too so that if you ever need of a legitimate one, you can check the ones featured here.

The blog is published on WordPress platform and has a very simple three column layout. The dark background made it attractive. I love that the author uses a photo to illustrate a point or to accompany it with the post so that it never looks monotonous. The sidebars contain the archives and categories among others and the navigation menu just below the header will lead you to various important links.
Visit Verabear and read about her life, Where The Moon Shines on her side of the planet.


Genefaith said...

ganda ng photos nya marce..ganoon siguro ano pag DLSR gamit are great in her black background...

Chris said...

i got an award for you ha!

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